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I Am: God's Affirmations For Litlle Girls

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Age 0-11

Belinda N. Mays

I Am: God's Affirmations For Litlle Girls

Paperback (Words Worth Nov. 29, 2018)
This book is a Christian Indie Award and Book Excellence Award winner. I Am, God’s Affirmations for Little Girls" teaches young girls about God’s affirmations of beauty, intelligence, and strength. This reflection of God’s truth includes memory verses paired with empowering poetry and breath-taking illustrations to help elementary aged girls build the confidence and courage to live by God’s standards. After reading this book girls will feel loved, empowered, and encouraged to build a solid educational and spiritual foundation rooted in God’s truth.
1732857717 / 9781732857711
4.8 oz.
8.5 x 0.1 in.

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