A wealth of fascinating information that is part legend and part history. -Kliatt Review
After reading these 30 revived tales of wealth and splendor, you will be tempted to throw some supplies into a backpack like the '49-ers of old and head west. Although stories of lost gold and silver veins are abundant (“Mysterious Blue Ledge of Gold,” “The Curse of the Mormon Silver Ledge”), they in no way represent all of the wealth hidden in California's geography and folklore.
Does Death Valley hold more than just sand and arid desert; is it also the “Canyon of Lost Gold” and site of the “Golden Gravels of Goler Wash”? Is the long California coastline covering secrets (“Gold in the Sand”) and hidden riches (“Lost North Beach Million,” “Five Hundred Pound Silver Ingot”)?Are the sprawling metropolises now covering the priceless artifacts of an emperor (“The Hollywood Bowl Treasure”)?
Outlaws, prospectors, Indians, loners and Mexicans throw themselves into all the adventure and intrigue. California's mountains, deserts, beaches, and cities―as well as sunken treasure―are all encompassed in this collection. This treasure hunt visits cultures such as the Choctaw and Seminole Indians to celebrate adventure and teach readers about courage, responsibility and resourcefulness.
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