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Fantastic Frozen Themed Cookbook: The Best Recipes for Every Frozen Lover

Patricia Baker

Fantastic Frozen Themed Cookbook: The Best Recipes for Every Frozen Lover

language ( April 20, 2020)
If you love the movie “Frozen,” you definitely need to get your hands on this cookbook. All of the recipes in the pages of this book are inspired by the movie.

They are perfect for a Frozen themed party, to make for a Frozen fan or just to enjoy while you cuddle up on the couch to watch the movie. Of course, all of the recipes are also delicious, and you will find both savory treats, sweet desserts, and delicious drink recipes—there is something for everyone!

So, grab this book today so that you can start creating some amazing Frozen-inspired recipes that will have you signing all of the popular movie songs as you cook.

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