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Parents and Family: Junior High School Group Study

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Age 12-15
Grade 7-9

Kara Powell

Parents and Family: Junior High School Group Study

Paperback (Gospel Light March 21, 2010)
Growing up can be difficult for tweens and parents. Emotions can run hot and cold, and if families aren’t strengthened along the way, they may not be able to handle the extremes. Now youth leaders can help the young teens in their group deal with their wildly fluctuating feelings and relate positively to their parents and siblings. Activities and exercises get teens thinking about how they can let God reign over their emotions and their families. UNCOMMON puts it all together for youth leaders. Families and feelings will go hand in hand once again.

0830750991 / 9780830750993
6.4 oz.
6.0 x 0.4 in.

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