Matthew Henry
Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible-Book of Proverbs
(GraceWorks Multimedia April 4, 2011)
You are about to purchase and download the Kindle ebook version of Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible-Book of Proverbs for your Kindle!
Instead of downloading Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible in its entirety, we have conveniently broken this monumental work into individual books. This allows you to save more free space on your Kindle and makes for faster searches and quicker navigation. We sincerely hope these features will enhance your studies and maximize your reading experience.
Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible is an EXHAUSTIVE study tool, used by countless scholars and laymen for well over 100 years. This commentary covers every chapter and nearly every verse in the Bible, providing a thorough commentary on the Holy Scriptures.
Ever since it was finished, this reference has been an invaluable tool to theology students everywhere. If you're scouring scripture, or just casually studying, you will find this commentary very insightful.