Donald Emmeluth, M.D. Babcock, Hilary, David L. Heymann
Library Binding
(Chelsea House Pub, June 1, 2010)
Botulism is a disease caused by a deadly toxin produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. The bacterium can thrive in food that has been improperly prepared or stored and can also enter the body through a tear in the skin. Botulism toxin causes paralysis and breathing difficulties and can be fatal if not treated quickly. Because of its potent toxicity, botulin toxin is considered a potential weapon for biological terrorism. It is also the basis for Botox®, a cosmetic drug. This revised edition of Botulism contains up-to-date information on this disease, exploring its history, causes, statistics, and recent diagnostic and treatment breakthroughs. It also includes accounts of numerous recent outbreaks, which have occurred annually for the past several years in the United States.Chapters include:Historical Perspective Causes of BotulismTransmission of Botulism Diagnosis of Botulism Botulism and the Nervous System Treating Botulism Preventing Botulism Concerns for the Future: Botulism and BioterrorismHopes for the Future.