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Other editions of book Five mice in a mouse-trap : by the Man in the Moon:

  • Five mice in a mouse-trap : by the Man in the Moon:

    Laura E. Richards, Greenaway Kate

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, March 23, 2016)
    CHILDREN, down on the planet which you call Earth, allow me to introduce myself to you! I am the Man in the Moon. I have no doubt that you know a good deal about me, in an indirect way, and that your nurses have told you all sorts of nonsense about my inquiring the way to Norwich as if I didn't know the way to Norwich! and various things equally sensible. But now I am going to tell you a little about myself, and a great deal about yourselves , and about everything in general. In short, I am going to write you a book, and this is the beginning of it.
  • Five Mice in a Mouse-trap

    Laura E. Richards, The Perfect Library

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, May 12, 2015)
    "Five Mice in a Mouse-trap" from Laura E. Richards. Children's author, biographies, poetry, and others (1850-1943).
  • Five Mice in a Mouse Trap

    Laura E Richards

    Paperback (Nook Press, April 24, 2017)
    Utterly enchanting children's book with the Man in the Moon as narrator and principle storyteller. The mice are actually children, five siblings the Man in the Moon calls Nibble, Brighteyes, Fluff, Puff, and Downy the baby, who come to live in an eccentric house he dubs the Mouse-Trap, in the little village of Nomatterwhat, in the state of Nomatterwhere. The Man in the Moon uses a giant mirror to look down on all the children below. He has a dog with the unlikely name of Bmfkmgth ('and none of you will be able to pronounce that, except the children who live in Wales'). There is an awful lot of effort gone into this book, which is jampacked with stories, songs and rhymes, featuring talking dolls, walking beds, trousers made of diamonds and steeplechasing whale. The Man in the Moon is also something of a Sandman, taking the children on various dream journeys to China, the North Pole, and the Indian Ocean, where they meet or hear about lively characters with pleasingly funny names like Pun-Chin and Michikee Moo.
  • Five Mice in a Mouse Trap

    Laura E Richards

    Hardcover (Nook Press, April 24, 2017)
    Utterly enchanting children's book with the Man in the Moon as narrator and principle storyteller. The mice are actually children, five siblings the Man in the Moon calls Nibble, Brighteyes, Fluff, Puff, and Downy the baby, who come to live in an eccentric house he dubs the Mouse-Trap, in the little village of Nomatterwhat, in the state of Nomatterwhere. The Man in the Moon uses a giant mirror to look down on all the children below. He has a dog with the unlikely name of Bmfkmgth ('and none of you will be able to pronounce that, except the children who live in Wales'). There is an awful lot of effort gone into this book, which is jampacked with stories, songs and rhymes, featuring talking dolls, walking beds, trousers made of diamonds and steeplechasing whale. The Man in the Moon is also something of a Sandman, taking the children on various dream journeys to China, the North Pole, and the Indian Ocean, where they meet or hear about lively characters with pleasingly funny names like Pun-Chin and Michikee Moo.