Learning to Fly: A Practical Manual for Beginners
Claude Grahame-White
(Forgotten Books, April 23, 2010)
AUTHORS NOTE. This book is written for the novice--and for the novice who is completely a novice. We have assumed, in writing it, that it will come into the hands of men who, having determined to enter this great and growing industry of aviation, and having decided wisely to learn to fly as their preliminary step, feel they would like to gain beforehand--before, that is to say, they take the plunge of selecting and joining a flying school--all that can be imparted non-technically, and in such a brief manual as this, not only as to the stages of tuition and the tests to be undergone, but also in regard to such general questions as, having once turned their thoughts towards flying, they take a sudden and a very active interest. It has been our aim, bearing in mind this first and somewhat restless interest, to cover a wide rather than a restricted field; and this being so, and remembering also the limitations of space, we cannot pretend -and do not for a moment wishTable of Contents CONTENTS; ;HAP'1ER; 1 THEORIES OF TUITION; II TEMPERAMENT AND THE AIRMAN; III FIRST EXPERIENCES WITH AN AEROPLANE; (AS DESCRIBED BY MR GRAHAMEWHITE); IV THE CoNTROLLING OF LATEST-TYPE; 9; 20; 24; CRAFT 31; V THE STAGES OF TUITION 38; VI THE TEST FLIGHTS 53; vII PERILS OF THE AIR 56; III FACTORS THAT MAKE FOR SAFETY 76; IX A STUDY OF THE METHODS OF GREAT; PILOTS 82; X CROSS-COUNTRY FLYING; XI AVIATION AS A PROfESSION; 1I THE FUTURE OF FLIGHT; 92; 99; I04 ILLUSTRATIONS; A SCHOOL ~:!ACHINE WELL ALOFT ; GRAHA~iE-WHITE SCHOOL BIPLANE; THE CONTROLS OF A SCHOOL BIPLANE; REAR VIEW OF A SCHOOL BIPLANE; POWER-PLANT OF A SCHOOL BIPLANE; Frontispiece; MOTOR AND OTHER GEAR-AKOTHER VIEW 42; PUPIL AND INSTRUCTOR READY FOR A FLIGHT 44; PUPIL AND INSTRUCTOR IN FLIGHT (r) 46; PUPIL A~D INSTRUCTOR IN FLIGHT (2) 48; PUPIL AND INSTRUCTOR IN FLIGHT (3) 50;