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Other editions of book Love Among the Haystacks and Other Stories

  • Love Among the Haystacks and Other Stories

    D H Lawrence, Geraldine James, silksoundbooks Limited

    Audible Audiobook (silksoundbooks Limited, Nov. 17, 2015)
    This is a selection of D. H. Lawrence's short stories, mostly about women. Although much wider known for his novels and in particular for his forthright attitude to sex and its description in literature, it is for his short stories that Lawrence has most commonly gained critical acclaim. He was a beautiful creator of this most difficult of forms, giving us glimpses into the lives he describes in his stories, which often tell us more than full-length novels written by lesser hands. Set, as was Lawrence's habit, within sight of the 'great blue heap of Nottingham', Love Among the Haystacks introduces us to the character of the wild and disobedient German governess mostly referred to as 'the Fräulein', whose passion and rarity drive two brothers to distraction with somewhat disastrous consequences. Lawrence was married to the German aristocrat Frieda von Richthofen just as England was entering and indeed going through the First World War, and his description and analysis of the British attitude to foreigners, and Germans in particular, is telling. 'Mother and Daughter' is a delightfully awful portrayal of that most difficult of roles, the mother-in-law; and 'The Rocking Horse Winner' explores the other side of the equation with a son's desperate attempts to help his overly acquisitive mother, creating a sharply painful, almost parable-like tale. 'The Odour of Crysanthemums' is one of Lawrence's most famous short stories. It marked the beginning of his literary career when it was published in 1909 in the hugely influential magazine The Literary Review.
  • Love among the Haystacks and Other Stories

    D. H. Lawrence

    Hardcover (Viking Adult, Feb. 1, 1989)
    Book by Lawrence, D. H.
  • Love Among the Haystacks and Other Stories

    D. H. Lawrence, John Worthen

    Paperback (Cambridge University Press, July 31, 1987)
    Love Among the Haystacks and Other Stories gathers together all of Lawrence's short stories not collected in the Prussian Officer volume. It offers a range of work from Lawrence's earliest surviving published story, 'A Prelude', to 'New Eve and Old Adam' written at the height of his early maturity in 1913. Each story in this edition appears in a new, authoritative text based on the manuscripts, typescripts, corrected proofs and early printings drawn from libraries and private collections in England, Italy and America. All the stories have thus been stripped of the layers of errors introduced by typists, editors and printers in their previous publication. John Worthen's introduction sets out the composition and publication history of each story, and gives a full account of the context in which it was created. A textual apparatus records all variant readings and explanatory notes explain allusions, dialect forms and foreign words.
  • Love Among the Haystacks and Other Stories

    D. H. Lawrence, John Worthen

    Hardcover (Cambridge University Press, July 31, 1987)
    Love Among the Haystacks and Other Stories gathers together all of Lawrence's short stories not collected in the Prussian Officer volume. It offers a range of work from Lawrence's earliest surviving published story, 'A Prelude', to 'New Eve and Old Adam' written at the height of his early maturity in 1913. Each story in this edition appears in a new, authoritative text based on the manuscripts, typescripts, corrected proofs and early printings drawn from libraries and private collections in England, Italy and America. All the stories have thus been stripped of the layers of errors introduced by typists, editors and printers in their previous publication. John Worthen's introduction sets out the composition and publication history of each story, and gives a full account of the context in which it was created. A textual apparatus records all variant readings and explanatory notes explain allusions, dialect forms and foreign words.
  • Love among the Haystacks: Cambridge Lawrence Edition

    D. H. Lawrence, John Worthen, Keith Cushman

    Mass Market Paperback (Penguin Classics, Sept. 1, 1996)
    This a collection of some of Lawrence's short stories, which were first published around the time of his death in 1930. They include "Love Among the Haystacks", "A Prelude", "A Lesson on a Tortoise", "Lessford's Rabbits", "A Modern Lover", and "The Fly in the Ointment".
  • 'Love Among the Haystacks' and Other Stories

    D. H. Lawrence, Will Jonson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Sept. 22, 2014)
    During his lifetime Lawrence was best known as a novelist, but with the passage of time his true genius is located more and more by ordinary readers and critics in his short stories and novellas. 'Love Among the Haystacks' is probably the finest collection of his early career.
  • Love among the Haystacks and Other Stories

    D. H. Lawrence

    Paperback (Penguin Classics, April 2, 1991)
  • Love Among the Haystacks


    Hardcover (GRAFTON, March 15, 1988)
  • Love Among the Haystacks and Other Stories

    D. H. Lawrence

    Mass Market Paperback (Penguin Books, Jan. 1, 1972)
  • Love Among the Haystacks and Other Stories

    D. H. Lawrence

    Mass Market Paperback (Penguin Classic, March 15, 1976)
    Love Among the Haystacks and Other Stories
  • Love Among the Haystacks and Other Stories

    D. H. Lawrence

    Paperback (Penguin Books Limited, March 15, 1960)
  • Love Among the Haystacks and Other Stories

    D. H. Lawrence

    Paperback (Avon 423, Jan. 1, 1952)