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Other editions of book Samantha's Surprise: A Christmas Story

  • Samantha's Surprise

    Maxine Rose Schur

    Paperback (Scholastic, March 15, 1986)
    The 2 weeks before Christmas are filled with activity as Samantha finishes her homemade presents and makes preparations for visiting relatives.
  • Samantha's Surprise: A Christmas Story

    Maxine Rose Schur, Nancy Niles, Robert Grace, Rose Schur, Dan Andreasen

    Hardcover (Amer Girl Pub, Sept. 1, 1986)
    The two weeks before Christmas are filled with activity as Samantha finishes her homemade presents and makes peparations for visiting relatives
  • Samantha's Surprise: A Christmas Story

    Maxine Rose Schur, Rose Schur, Dan Andreasen

    Library Binding
  • Samantha's Surprise: A Christmas Story

    Maxine Rose Schur, Dan Andreasen, Eileen Potts Dawson

    Hardcover (Perfection Learning, Sept. 1, 1986)
  • Samantha's Surprise

    Maxine Rose Schur, Nancy Niles

    School & Library Binding (Turtleback, Aug. 1, 1986)
    FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. The two weeks before Christmas are filled with activity as Samantha finishes her homemade presents and makes preparations for visiting relatives.
  • Samantha's Surprise: A Christmas Story

    Maxine Rose Schur

    Library Binding (Demco Media, Aug. 1, 1986)
    The two weeks before Christmas are filled with activity as Samantha finishes her homemade presents and makes peparations for visiting relatives
  • Samantha's surprise: A Christmas story

    Maxine Schur

    Hardcover (Pleasant Co, March 15, 1821)