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Other editions of book My Uncle Wal The Werewolf

  • My Uncle Wal The Werewolf

    Jackie French

    Paperback (HarperCollins, Sept. 4, 2018)
    BUStER LIVES IN tHE HAPPIESt WOLF CLAN AROUND. Dad can catch dried cow pats with his teeth, Mum's corgi milkshakes are to die for (unless you happen to be a corgi) and Aunty Paws mkes one of the best dead rat sandwich in the world. One day Mum and Dad disappear without a trace. Have Buster's parents been wolfnapped? And now, Uncle Wal is leader of the pack. He wants the clan to move from Werewolf Mountain, and for Buster to go to SCHOOL! But Buster has other plans... Find out what Buster discovers as this thrilling and hilarious adventure unfolds in the Wacky family series! Ages 7+
  • My Uncle Wal The Werewolf

    Jackie French

    eBook (HarperCollins, July 1, 2010)
    BUStER LIVES IN tHE HAPPIESt WOLF CLAN AROUND. Dad can catch dried cow pats with his teeth, Mum's corgi milkshakes are to die for (unless you happen to be a corgi) and Aunty Paws mkes one of the best dead rat sandwich in the world. One day Mum and Dad disappear without a trace. Have Buster's parents been wolfnapped? And now, Uncle Wal is leader of the pack. He wants the clan to move from Werewolf Mountain, and for Buster to go to SCHOOL! But Buster has other plans... Find out what Buster discovers as this thrilling and hilarious adventure unfolds in the Wacky family series! Ages 7+
  • My Uncle Wal the Werewolf

    Rebecca Place, Jackie French, Stephen Michael King

    Paperback (Editorial Luis Vives (Edelvives), March 2, 2018)
    La madre de Cecil calza unas botas negras y altas y lleva siempre una espada, porque es pirata; la abuela de TJ tiene las piernas y los brazos peludísimos y hace el mejor bizcocho de plátano del mundo porque es una gorila; y el tío de Buster es un hombre lobo... Todas las familias tienen sus rarezas, ¡pero unas mucho más que otras! Incluye un glosario, CD de audio y actividades lúdicas para consolidar la comprensión lectora. Nivel MCER (Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas): B1 Nivel Exámenes de Cambridge: PET (Preliminary English Test)