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Other editions of book An Angel for May

  • An Angel for May

    Melvin Burgess, Christian Rodska, Audible Studios

    Audible Audiobook (Audible Studios, July 6, 2009)
    Tam is unhappy at home and often takes refuge in the ruins of Thowt It Farm. But then one day he is transported back to the Second World War. Alone and afraid, he makes friends with May, who has been rescued from a bombed-out house. She tries to persuade him to stay at the farm, but Tam is afraid of being trapped in the past forever.
  • An Angel For May

    Melvin Burgess

    eBook (Andersen Digital, Feb. 7, 2013)
    Tam is unhappy at home and often takes refuge in the ruins of Thowt It Farm. But then one day he is transported back to the Second World War. Alone and afraid, he makes friends with May, who has been rescued from a bombed-out house. She tries to persuade him to stay at the farm, but Tam is afraid of being trapped in the past forever.
  • An Angel for May

    Melvin Burgess

    Paperback (Andersen Press, Sept. 1, 2013)
    From the author of Smack, Billy Elliot, and Doing It, a strange and wonderful tale of time travelTam is unhappy at home and often takes refuge in the ruins of Thowt It Farm. But then one day he is transported back to World War II. Alone and afraid, he makes friends with May, who has been rescued from a bombed-out house. She tries to persuade him to stay at the farm, but Tam is afraid of being trapped in the past forever.
  • New Windmills: An Angel for May

    Melvin Burgess

    Hardcover (Heinemann Educational Books - Secondary Division, March 15, 1996)
    This series of contemporary writing meets the requirements of the revised National Curriculum. This book tells the story of Tam, who finds himself caught in a time-warp which sends him back to World War II. There he meets the lonely May, whom he must help.
  • An Angel for May

    Melvin Burgess

    Paperback (Penguin Books, Limited (UK), Sept. 29, 1994)
  • An Angel for May

    Melvin Burgess

    Library Binding (Simon & Schuster, June 1, 1995)
    Tam travels back in time to his small English town at the time of World War II, where his friendship helps a traumatized girl living on a farm just outside the town
  • An Angel for May

    Melvin Burgess

    Audio Cassette (Chivers Audio Books, March 1, 1994)
  • An Angel for May

    Melvin Burgess

    Hardcover (Andersen Press Ltd, March 15, 1992)
    Tam is unhappy at home and often takes refuge in the ruins of Thowt It Farm. But then one day he is transported back to the Second World War. Alone and afraid, he makes friends with May, who has been rescued from a bombed-out house. She tries to persuade him to stay at the farm, but Tam is afraid of being trapped in the past forever.
  • An Angel for May by Melvin Burgess

    Melvin Burgess

    Paperback (Puffin, )
  • Angel for May, An

    Melvin Burgess, Christian Rodska

    MP3 CD (Audible Studios on Brilliance Audio, Jan. 24, 2017)
    Tam often takes refuge in the ruins of Thowt It Farm when he is unhappy at home. One day he follows an old beggar woman and her dog to the farm and is transported back to the Second World War. There he makes friends with May, who has been rescued from a bombed-out house and now refuses to eat or sleep indoors. When Tam gets into trouble in the town, May comes to his rescue. She tries to persuade him to stay at Thowt It, but Tam is afraid of being permanently trapped in the past. A moving story about friendship, courage, and compassion from award-winning author Melvin Burgess.
  • An Angel for May by Burgess, Melvin

    Melvin Burgess

    Paperback (Andersen Press, March 15, 1800)