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Books with title Wild Weather: Blizzards!

  • Wild Weather: Blizzards!

    Lorraine Jean Hopping, Jody Wheeler

    Paperback (Scholastic, Jan. 15, 1998)
    An easy-to-read introduction to weather phenomena explores the causes and impact of severe blizzards, describes famous storms, and furnishes information on how scientists study and predict them. Original.
  • Wild Weather: Blizzard

    Catherine Chambers

    Hardcover (Heinemann Educational Books - Library Division, May 1, 2002)
    Using the dramatic aspects and effects of weather, this guide to blizzards develops geographic skills such as vocabulary and using maps, plans and secondary sources of information. Emphasising that weather extremes have the same causes as the weather that we experience every day, it looks at the phenomenon to discuss where and why it occurs and how people cope with it.
  • Blizzards and Winter Weather

    Dennis Brindell Fradin

    Library Binding (Childrens Press, )
  • Blizzards and Winter Weather


    Hardcover (Childrens Press, Inc, )
  • Wild Weather: Blizzards!

    Lorraine Jean Hopping, Jody Wheeler

    Paperback (Demco Media, Sept. 1, 1999)
    Describes the incredible power of blizzards, from the blizzard of 1888 to blizzards in 1997, tells what makes a blizzard and how scientists try to forecast them