Lyon's Pride
Anne McCaffrey
(Corgi Books, March 1, 2012)
The survival technique of the Hivers was terrifying - and brilliant. Their huge Sphere ships, controlled by the Many Mind of ten to sixteen queens, surged out into space. When an appropriate planet was found, the Hivers destroyed any and every variety of indigenous life, the queens propagated, and when the new world was full, more ships were sent out. The colonization was repeated until no planet, no species, least of all Man and Mrdini, was safe. The furry and courageous Mrdini had fought the Hivers for centuries, many dying bravely in an attempt to save their own worlds. Now Mrdini and Man combined to form the Alliance - and Humankind had their own weapons to offer - the power and might of the Talents who could not only communicate silently with each other, but could project cargoes, ships and themselves across the deeps of space. The four children of Damia - Laria, Thian, Rojer and Zara - were Primes amongst the Talents, and all their skills were desperately needed, for the Hivers'