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Books with title Jordan Spieth: Golf Sensation

  • Jordan Spieth: Golf Sensation

    Tyler Mason

    Library Binding (Abdo Publishing, Sept. 1, 2017)
    "This title introduces readers to Jordan Spieth, providing exciting details about his life and going deep inside the key moments of his golf career. The title also features fun facts and quotes, a glossary, and further resources."--Publisher's website.
  • Jordan Spieth: Golf Star

    Marty Gitlin

    eBook (North Star Editions, March 26, 2018)
    Introduces readers to the life and career of star golfer Jordan Spieth. Colorful spreads, fun facts, interesting sidebars, and a map of important places in his life make this a thrilling read for young sports fans.
  • Jordan Spieth: Golf Star

    Marty Gitlin

    (North Star Editions, April 6, 2020)
    Introduces readers to the life and career of star golfer Jordan Spieth. Colorful spreads, fun facts, interesting sidebars, and a map of important places in his life make this a thrilling read for young sports fans.