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Books with title Jandy Mac comes back

  • Jandy Mac Comes Back

    Elsie J. Oxenham

    language (Reading Essentials, Jan. 28, 2020)
    Jandy Mac returns to the Abbey and unexpectedly helps out.
  • jandy mac comes back

    elsie j. oxenham

    (Collins, July 6, 1948)
  • Jandy Mac comes back

    Elsie J. OXENHAM

    (Collins, July 6, 1941)
  • jandy mac comes back

    elsie j. oxenham

    (Collins, July 6, 1950)
  • Jandy Mac come back

    Elsie J. OXENHAM

    (Collins, July 6, 1959)
    Shipped from UK, please allow 10 to 21 business days for arrival. Jandy Mac Comes Back, hardcover, Early Reprint, just 1 year after 1st Edition. 252pp. Coloured frontispiece. Good clean tight sound square, no bookplate, inscriptions or ownership marks of any kind. In original black lettered and illustrated red cloth featuring embossed abbey to upper, slightly rubbed to spine not intruding or detracting. A nostalgic delight.
  • Jandy Mac comes back

    Elsie J. OXENHAM

    (Collins, July 5, 1958)
  • jandy mac comes back

    elsie j. oxenham

    (Collins, July 6, 1952)
  • Jandy Mac Comes Back

    Elsie OXENHAM

    (Collins, July 6, 1946)