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Books with title Brothers' Grimm Fairy Tales

  • Grimm's Fairy Tales

    Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm

    language (, March 24, 2011)
    These classic fairy tales have left an indelible mark on Western culture, a testament to the brilliance and skill of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm.
  • The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales: Volume 1

    Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Andrea Emmes

    language (, Jan. 14, 2018)
    Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm wrote over 200 fairytales called, Kinder- und Hausmärchen, (Children's and Household Tales) that was published in 1812. Filled with moral lessons that are not wrapped up in the now expected "Disney-esq" feel, these stories may shock or scare you, but they have been the inspiration for some of the most beloved modern fairytales we know and love.Sixty-two fairytales included in this collection: The Golden Bird; Hans in Luck; Jorinda and Jorindal; The Traveling Musicians; Old Sultan; The Straw, the Coal and the Bean; Briar Rose; The Dog and the Sparrow; The Twelve Dancing Princesses; The Fisherman and his Wife; The Frog Prince; Cat and Mouse in Partnership; The Goose Girl; The Adventures of Chanticleer and Partlet; Rapunzel; Fundevogel; The Valiant Little Tailor; Hansel and Gretel; The Mouse, the Bird and the Sausage; Mother Holle; Little Red-Cap; The Robber Bridegroom; Tom Thumb; Rumpelstiltskin; Clever Gretel; The Old Man and his Grandson; The Little Peasant; Frederick and Catherine; Sweetheart Roland; Snowdrop; The Pin;, Clever Elsie; The Miser in the Bush; Ashputtel; The White Snake; The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids; The Queen Bee; The Elves and the Shoemaker; The Juniper Tree; The Turnip; Clever Hans; The Three Languages; The Fox and the Cat; The Fox and the Horse; The Blue Light; The Raven; The Golden Goose; The Water of Life; The Twelve Huntsmen; The King of the Golden Mountain; Doctor Knowall; The Seven Ravens; The Wedding of Mrs. Fox; The Salad; The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was;, King Grisly-Beard; Iron Hans; Cat-Skin; Snow-White and Rose-Red
  • The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales

    Brothers Grimm, Andrea Giordani, A.R.N. Publications

    Audiobook (A.R.N. Publications, June 23, 2015)
    The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales by Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, first published in 1812, is a collection of 62 classic folk stories including "Rumplestiltskin", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Hansel and Gretel", "Snow White and Rose Red", "Iron Hans", "The Golden Goose", "Clever Hans", "The Frog Prince", and many more. These classic tales will keep you entertained for hours to come!
  • Grimm's Fairy Tales

    Brothers Grimm, George Doyle, Audioliterature

    Audiobook (Audioliterature, July 7, 2017)
    The Grimm Brothers rediscovered a host of fairy tales, telling of princes and princesses in their castles, witches in their towers and forests, of giants and dwarfs, of fabulous animals and dark deeds. Together with the well-known tales of "Rapunzel", "The Goose-Girl", "Sleeping Beauty", "Hansel and Gretel" and "Snow White", there are the darker tales such as "Death's Messengers" which deserve to be better known, and which will appeal not only to all who are interested in the history of folklore, but also to all those who simply love good storytelling. The two brothers wished to preserve their German folklore in a collection of tales that they believed had been handed down for generations. In the beginning they had just 86 stories about the difficult life of European peasantry, but they ended up with over 200 tales. As time passed, the Grimm Brothers found that their collection of fairy tales, with all of its royalty, magical creatures, and brave adventures, entranced those who read them.
  • Grimm's Fairy Tales

    Jacob Grimm, Charlton Griffin, Wilhelm Grimm, Audio Connoisseur

    Audiobook (Audio Connoisseur, Dec. 5, 2014)
    Since their first publication in 1812, Grimm's Fairy Tales have proven to be an enduring feature of Western literature. The stories have been translated into over 100 languages worldwide, and their influence has cast its spell on many film makers, as well. The stories were collected from traditional storytellers from around Germany, usually women, and the motivation to collect them grew out of the wave of romantic nationalism of the early 19th century. The Brothers Grimm aided this post-Napoleonic nationalist revival with their folklore collection, driven by the conviction that a national identity was to be found among the common people. Thus, from among the common German folk, and as a reflection of German cultural identity, these ancient stories were collected and published. Today, we celebrate these fairy tales for their magic, energy, imagination, vivid narration, mythic power, and unforgettable, stereotypical characters. These are timeless fables for the young and the young at heart. For those who wish to read along, this recording is taken from the illustrated Louis Rhead edition of 1917, available at Amazon.
  • Grimm's Fairy Tales

    The Brothers Grimm, Golden Deer Classics

    eBook (Oregan Publishing, Aug. 6, 2017)
    Children's and Household Tales (German: Kinder- und Hausmärchen) is a collection of German origin fairy tales first published in 1812 by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, the Brothers Grimm. The collection is commonly known today as Grimms' Fairy Tales (German: Grimms Märchen).
  • The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales, Vol. 1

    Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Andrea Emmes, Spoken Realms

    Audiobook (Spoken Realms, Jan. 23, 2018)
    Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm wrote over 200 fairytales called Kinder- und Hausmärchen (Children's and Household Tales) published in 1812. Filled with moral lessons that are not wrapped up in the now-expected "Disney-esque" feel, these stories may shock or scare you, but they have been the inspiration for some of the most beloved modern fairytales we know and love. Sixty-two fairytales included in this collection: "The Golden Bird"; "Hans in Luck"; "Jorinda and Jorindal"; "The Traveling Musicians"; "Old Sultan"; "The Straw, the Coal and the Bean"; "Briar Rose"; "The Dog and the Sparrow"; "The 12 Dancing Princesses"; "The Fisherman and His Wife"; "The Frog Prince"; "Cat and Mouse in Partnership"; "The Goose Girl"; "The Adventures of Chanticleer and Partlet"; "Rapunzel"; "Fundevogel"; "The Valiant Little Tailor"; "Hansel and Gretel"; "The Mouse, the Bird and the Sausage"; "Mother Holle"; "Little Red-Cap"; "The Robber Bridegroom"; " Tom Thumb"; "Rumpelstiltskin"; "Clever Gretel"; "The Old Man and his Grandson"; "The Little Peasant"; "Frederick and Catherine"; "Sweetheart Roland"; "Snowdrop"; "The Pin; "Clever Elsie"; "The Miser in the Bush"; "Ashputtel"; "The White Snake"; "The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids"; "The Queen Bee"; "The Elves and the Shoemaker"; "The Juniper Tree"; "The Turnip"; "Clever Hans"; "The Three Languages"; "The Fox and the Cat"; "The Fox and the Horse"; "The Blue Light"; "The Raven"; "The Golden Goose"; "The Water of Life"; "The 12 Huntsmen"; "The King of the Golden Mountain"; "Doctor Knowall"; "The Seven Ravens"; "The Wedding of Mrs. Fox"; "The Salad"; "The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was; "King Grisly-Beard"; "Iron Hans"; "Cat-Skin"; and "Snow-White and Rose-Red".
  • Grimm's Fairy Tales

    Jakob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Grimm Brothers, Scott McKowen, Arthur Pober Ed.D

    Hardcover (Sterling, Aug. 4, 2009)
    Based on the brothers’ first volume of folk tales, Children’s and Household Tales, this collection features many of the Grimms’ most popular retellings, as well as some lesser-known ones. The tales include “The Frog Prince,” “Rumpelstiltskin,” “Rapunzel,” “The Fisherman and his Wife,” “Tom Thumb,” and many others.

    Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Edgar Taylor, Marian Edwardes

    Grimm's Fairy Tales is a collection of some of the classic childrens fairy tales from by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, the Brothers Grimm, first published in 1812. (non illustrated)
  • The Brothers Grimm: The Complete Fairy Tales

    The Brothers Grimm

    eBook (Book House Publishing, March 18, 2020)
    This book, newly updated, contains the complete Grimm’s 200 fairy tales and 10 children's legends.Jacob Grimm (1785-1863) and his brother Wilhelm (1786-1859) were philologists and folklorists. The brothers rediscovered a host of fairy tales, telling of princes and princesses in their castles, witches in their towers and forests, of giants and dwarfs, of fabulous animals and dark deeds.Together with the well-known tales of Rapunzel, The Goose-Girl, Sleeping Beauty, Hansel and Gretel and Snow White there are the darker tales such as «Death's Messengers» which deserve to be better known, and which will appeal not only to all who are interested in the history of folklore, but also to all those who simply love good storytelling.
  • Complete Folk & Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm

    Wilhelm Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm

    Hardcover (Wisehouse Classics, Oct. 22, 2017)
    This is the complete and authoritative edition of the folk and fairy tales of the brothers Grimm, with 212 tales, and including the tale of The Starving Children (which was removed after the 1819 edition). THE FOLK & FAIRY TALES OF THE BROTHERS GRIMM (German: Kinder- und Hausmarchen - Vollstamdige Ausgabe) is a collection of German fairy tales first published in 1812 by the Grimm brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm. The collection is commonly known in English as Grimm's Fairy Tales. The work of the Brothers Grimm influenced other collectors, both inspiring them to collect tales and leading them to similarly believe, in a spirit of romantic nationalism, that the fairy tales of a country were particularly representative of it, to the neglect of cross-cultural influence. Among those influenced were the Russian Alexander Afanasyev, the Norwegians Peter Christen Asbjornsen and Jorgen Moe, the English Joseph Jacobs, and Jeremiah Curtin, an American who collected Irish tales. There was not always a pleased reaction to their collection. Joseph Jacobs was in part inspired by his complaint that English children did not read English fairy tales; in his own words, "What Perrault began, the Grimms completed.""
  • The Brothers Grimm: Fairy Tales

    Mr Jacob Grimm, Mr Wilhelm Grimm

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, July 7, 2013)
    Children's and Household Tales (German: Kinder- und Hausmärchen) is a collection of German fairy tales first published in 1812 by the Grimm brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm. The collection is commonly known in the Anglosphere as Grimm's Fairy Tales. The work of the Brothers Grimm influenced other collectors, both inspiring them to collect tales and leading them to similarly believe, in a spirit of romantic nationalism, that the fairy tales of a country were particularly representative of it, to the neglect of cross-cultural influence. Among those influenced were the Russian Alexander Afanasyev, the Norwegians Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, the English Joseph Jacobs, and Jeremiah Curtin, an American who collected Irish tales. The Brothers Grimm (German: Brüder Grimm or Die Gebrüder Grimm), Jacob (1785–1863) and Wilhelm Grimm (1786–1859), were German academics, linguists, cultural researchers, lexicographers and authors who together collected and published folklore. They are among the most well-known storytellers of German folk tales, popularizing stories such as "Cinderella" (Aschenputtel), "The Frog Prince" (Der Froschkönig), "Hansel and Gretel" (Hänsel und Gretel), "Rapunzel", Rumpelstiltskin" (Rumpelstilzchen), and "Snow White" (Schneewittchen). Their first collection of folk tales, Children's and Household Tales (Kinder- und Hausmärchen), was published in 1812. The Grimms' legacy contains legends, novellas and folk stories, the vast majority of which were not intended as children's tales. Deeply concerned by the content of some of the tales—such as those that showed children being eaten—von Armin suggested they be removed. Instead the brothers added an introduction with cautionary advice that parents steer children toward age-appropriate stories. Despite von Armin's unease, none of the tales were eliminated from the collection, in the brothers' belief that all the tales were of value and reflected inherent cultural qualities. Furthermore, the stories were didactic in nature at a time when discipline relied on fear, according to scholar Linda Dégh, who explains that tales such as "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Hansel and Gretel" were written to be "warning tales" for children.