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Books with title A TIFFY I WILL BE: Part 3

  • A TIFFY I WILL BE: Part 3

    David Williamson

    language (David Williamson, Nov. 21, 2016)
    The continuing story of a journey through the sixties in the Royal Navy. This part relates the "restful" period in HMS Collingwood as an underused instructor leading to equipment courses for a move to an Aircraft Carrier as the Head Honcho. This then to the Carrier, HMS Victorious serving in the Far East, bringing it home through 5 day war Mediteranean to Portsmouth for refit. Whilst in refit it caught fire causing the trauma of a death and smoke inhalation injuries to make it a memorable refit. The ship was scrapped after that and the crew were in a state of limbo until a move off the cripple could be arranged.An altogether distressing memory for all involved.