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Books in Your Five Senses and Your Sixth Sense series

  • Intuition the Sixth Sense

    Clara Reade

    Paperback (Powerkids Pr, Jan. 1, 2014)
    Explains the sense of intuition, its interaction with the other five senses, and the importance of tuning in to intuitive feelings.
  • Smell

    Clara Reade

    Library Binding (Powerkids Pr, Jan. 1, 2014)
    From blooming flowers to stinky socks, our sense of smell helps us create an informed impression of the world around us. Readers will learn how the sense of smell works, how animalsÂ’ senses of smell differ from that of humans, and how the sense of smell works with the sense of taste. In the interactive eBook version readers will find videos, graphic, organizers, and photographs. These features take kids further in depth into an explanation of this sense.
  • Sight

    Connor Dayton

    Library Binding (Powerkids Pr, Jan. 1, 2014)
    Readers will learn how sight works, including which organs are used in vision. The importance of light to sight is also explained. The simple text also explores related topics, such as optical illusions, vision problems, and how to protect the eyes. The interactive eBook version features additional photographs, videos, and graphic organizers. These features provide supplemental high-interest information related to the topics covered in the print version.
  • Taste

    Connor Dayton

    Library Binding (Powerkids Pr, Jan. 1, 2014)
    The sense of taste can bring pleasure to the everyday act of eating. This volume explains taste, from the role of the tongue and the taste buds to how taste interacts with the sense of smell. Taste is further explored in the interactive eBook version, which includes additional photographs, videos, and graphic organizers. These features draw readers in to explore related, at-level information about taste.
  • Hearing

    Connor Dayton

    Paperback (Powerkids Pr, Jan. 1, 2014)
    Teaches how sound waves travel and how the ears and brain collect and interpret those sound waves, and defines hearing impairments.
  • Touch

    Connor Dayton

    Library Binding (Powerkids Pr, Jan. 1, 2014)
    The sense of touch is unique in that it involves the whole body, through the nerves in our skin. Readers will discover how this sense works, why different areas of the body have more or less sensitivity, and how touch can alert us to danger. The interactive eBook version provides an enhanced experience to readers through photographs, videos, and graphic organizers. These features offer additional information on topics explained in the print version.
  • Taste

    Connor Dayton

    Paperback (Powerkids Pr, Jan. 1, 2014)
    Explains the sense of taste by discussing the tongue and taste buds, and exploring how taste interacts with the sense of smell.
  • Smell

    Clara Reade

    Paperback (Powerkids Pr, Jan. 1, 2014)
    Explores how the sense of smell works, how animals' senses of smell differs from that of humans, and how the sense of smell affects taste.
  • Sight

    Connor Dayton

    Paperback (Powerkids Pr, Jan. 1, 2014)
    Explores how sight works, the importance of sight, optical illusions, and how to protect the eyes.
  • Hearing

    Connor Dayton

    Library Binding (Powerkids Pr, Jan. 1, 2014)
    Here, kids will learn how sound waves travel and how our ears and our brain collect and interpret those sound waves. Spreads also define hearing impairments, and why loud noises are harmful to the ears, and how to protect the ears from these sounds. The graphic organizers, videos, and photographs in the interactive eBook version expand on the subjects found in the print version and allow readers to customize their experience of the book.
  • Touch

    Connor Dayton

    Paperback (Powerkids Pr, Jan. 1, 2014)
    Explores how touch can alert us to danger and why different areas of the body have more or less sensitivity.
  • Intuition: The Sixth Sense

    Clara Reade

    Library Binding (Powerkids Pr, Jan. 1, 2014)
    Intuition is our “gut feeling” that warns us of potential danger and informs our understanding of right and wrong. This book defines this sense of intuition for young readers using examples. Spreads explain how the five senses inform our intuition and the importance of tuning in to your intuitive feelings. Intuition is explored through videos, photographs, and graphic organizers in the interactive eBook version. These features provide an additional, customizable experience of the subjects discussed in the print version.