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Books in The Fresh Faces series

  • The Pool Party

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Aug. 5, 2017)
    After filming wraps this afternoon for the day, I will be attending a small pool party at the Lynch's. Even though it will only be Travis, Caitlin, Nicholas, and me in attendance, I am still calling and considering it a pool party. After all, that is what it is. On a different note, I am truly excited about spending time with my new friends, especially Travis.
  • Welcome Home, Stella!

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, July 14, 2017)
    As the limo whisked us away from Aunt Selah and Uncle Sean's mansion to LAX, I could not help but smile. Yesterday, I was named the winner of the 26th season of "The Real Deal." After an entire summer of being away from them, I was reunited with my wonderful family. Finally, I was returning home to Orlando, Florida. Things truly could not get any better.
  • October Occasions and Out Of This World Surprises The Fresh Faces

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, )
  • Goodbyes and Preparations

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, July 21, 2017)
    Tomorrow, my best friends and I leave for my U.S. tour. I have been preparing for this for a while now, and it is finally here! It is going to be so much fun touring with my best friends,and my amazing and super sweet publicist/ manager/ bodyguard, Lindsay.Even though I am prepared and excited about the tour, there is something that I could never be prepared for. Besides going on tour tomorrow meaning saying goodbye to my parents and younger sisters, it also means having to say goodbye to my older sister, Stacey. Since she leaves for college towards the end of July, that means I will not see her when I get back. Just like I am going to miss the rest of my family members, I am going to miss Stacey so much. Like I said, saying goodbye is something that I could never be prepared for.
  • Meeting Triple Threat

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, June 23, 2017)
    Two weeks ago, Robyn got the news of a lifetime. The owner of Portman records, Kelly Portman, had informed Robyn that she would be touring this summer with them. This had made Robyn very excited.Three days ago, Robyn had gotten a call from Alicia saying that she and her brothers really wanted to meet her and asked if she would be interested in going to Elitch Gardens on the Saturday before Thanks-giving. Of course Robyn had said yes! As the limo whisked Robyn away to Elitch Gardens, she could not help but smile. She was about to meet her favorite band of all time!
  • The First Concert

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, July 2, 2017)
    As Kelly Portman, Portman Records owner, Jane, Robyn's manager/ bodyguard, and Robyn prayed backstage, Robyn took a deep breath. She was about to perform her very first concert. Confidence filling her heart, Robyn could not help but smile. After all, she was about to blow this concert out of the water.
  • The Phone Call

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, May 31, 2017)
    Putting Marcia on hold, my heart continued to race. Marcia was on the other line with the results of my audition. This call would either make or break my Christmas."Poppy, what's going on?" Piper asked, gently."Marcia Nolan, the director of the upcoming Greer Frazier series, is on the line with the results of my audition." I said. "Can you please go downstairs and get Dad and Patty?""Of course I will." Piper said, heading out of my room and going downstairs.
  • Phone Calls and Paradise

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Aug. 24, 2017)
    Dear Journal, it is finally Spring Break, and I am so excited! After all, my bandmates, our families, and I are in Hawaii!For the first part of the trip we are staying in Oahu at the Aulani Disney Resort. On Tuesday, we will fly to Maui and stay at the Grand Hyatt Maui Resort and Spa. Finally on Thursday morning, we will fly back home to Los Angeles.Some of the things that I am really looking forward to doing while we are here are going surfing, snorkeling, and swimming. Most importantly, I am looking forward to spending time with everyone. After all, it is going to be a truly fun time!-Westlyn
  • The Birthday Visitors

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Aug. 9, 2017)
    Today is my best friend's eighteenth birthday, and her birthday party is tonight. It is going to be a truly fun evening had by all.On a different note, there was another reason that I could not help but smile. My best friend, Tory, is one of the most kind, genuine, and down-to-earth people that you will ever meet. She works hard and puts her heart into everything that she does. The fact that she is a famous actress now did not change these things. Just like every day, especially today, Tory deserves the very best.
  • From Florida To Colorado

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Aug. 14, 2017)
    "Tor, your Aunt is really cool to let all of us spend a few days at her mansion for Christmas." I smiled at Tory."I could not agree more." Tory smiled back. "Getting to spend time with you guys, my Aunt, boyfriend, and good friends is truly the best Christmas present that I could ever ask for this year."As the plane touched down at Denver International Airport, we could not help but smile. The best Christmas ever was about to begin.
  • Goodbye, Valley Hi

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Aug. 20, 2017)
    As Lauren watched her best friend get out of the car and say goodbye to her Mom, her heart sank. Judging by the look on Vanna's face, she was having a rough morning. Truth be told, Lauren was in the same boat. Today was the last last day of school that she would have with Vanna before Vanna moved to LA next month. Even though Lauren was excited that today was the last day of school, she was sad that this was the last one that she would get to spend with her best friend.
  • The Christmas Guests The Fresh Faces

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, )