No Student Left Indoors: Creating a Field Guide to Your Schoolyard
Jane Kirkland
(Stillwater Publishing, June 1, 2007)
No Student Left Indoors is your opportunity to learn and teach about our planet by helping your students to create a field guide to your schoolyard. Whether you're a nature buff or nature-phobe, a literary genius or writing impaired, artistically talented or one who can't draw a straight line with a ruler, and teaching gift or challenged students in an urban, suburban, or rural school—you'll wonder why you didn't think of this before.You'll learn:Who can participate in and benefit from a schoolyard studyWhat those benefits areWhere to look for nature in your schoolyardWhen to conduct your studiesHow to teach students to discover, observe, and record the nature in your schoolyardWhy everyone is talking about No Student Left IndoorsThis is a project for a class, grade, or entire school. It can be a long-term project based on inquiry, investigation, and hands-on learning, The project connects science, language arts, history, creative arts, and technology.