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Books in Healthy Teeth series

  • Brushing Teeth

    Mari Schuh

    Paperback (Capstone Press, Jan. 1, 2008)
    In 2005 the USDA unveiled MyPyramid to help Americans make healthier eating choices. MyPyramid, which replaces the old Food Guide Pyramid, stresses the need for individual food plans. So now more than ever, young readers need to learn the importance of healthy eating and physical activity. With easy-to-read text and vivid photographs, these books clearly explain each food group, how each is important for good health, and how to make healthy choices.
  • All about Teeth

    Mari Schuh

    Paperback (Capstone Press, Jan. 1, 2008)
    Everyone's mouth is full of teeth, and all of them have a job to do. Discover what different types of teeth look like, what they do, and how to keep them healthy.
  • Teen Health Course 2 Student Edition


    Hardcover (McGraw-Hill Education, March 28, 2002)
    Teen Health is Glencoe's middle school health series, designed for students in grades 6-8. The 3-book program serves the need of those schools where health is taught in more than one grade level. The program's strength in the classroom has always been the self-contained, 4-6 page lessons. This structure provides flexibility, allowing the teacher to tailor the course to their specific teaching methods and to the school or district's health education framework. Teen Health features a 1-column format for ease in readability, and includes visual elements such as graphs, charts, tables, and infographics. Lesson and chapter features are attractively designed and easy to distinguish from content. Each side-column feature has its own unique design.
  • Snacks for Healthy Teeth

    Mari Schuh

    Paperback (Capstone Press, Jan. 1, 2008)
    In 2005 the USDA unveiled MyPyramid to help Americans make healthier eating choices. MyPyramid, which replaces the old Food Guide Pyramid, stresses the need for individual food plans. So now more than ever, young readers need to learn the importance of healthy eating and physical activity. With easy-to-read text and vivid photographs, these books clearly explain each food group, how each is important for good health, and how to make healthy choices.
  • At the Dentist

    Mari Schuh

    Paperback (Capstone Press, Jan. 1, 2008)
    Learn about a visit to the dentist.
  • Flossing Teeth

    Mari Schuh

    Paperback (Capstone Press, Jan. 1, 2008)
    In 2005 the USDA unveiled MyPyramid to help Americans make healthier eating choices. MyPyramid, which replaces the old Food Guide Pyramid, stresses the need for individual food plans. So now more than ever, young readers need to learn the importance of healthy eating and physical activity. With easy-to-read text and vivid photographs, these books clearly explain each food group, how each is important for good health, and how to make healthy choices.
  • Loose Tooth

    Mari Schuh

    Paperback (Capstone Press, Jan. 1, 2008)
    In 2005 the USDA unveiled MyPyramid to help Americans make healthier eating choices. MyPyramid, which replaces the old Food Guide Pyramid, stresses the need for individual food plans. So now more than ever, young readers need to learn the importance of healthy eating and physical activity. With easy-to-read text and vivid photographs, these books clearly explain each food group, how each is important for good health, and how to make healthy choices.
  • Brushing Teeth

    Mari C. Schuh

    Library Binding (Capstone Press, Jan. 1, 2008)
    Learn all about healthy brushing habits.
  • Teen Health, Course 2

    McGraw-Hill Education

    Hardcover (McGraw-Hill Education, Jan. 17, 2008)
    Student-friendly modules allow you to supplement the core curriculum with selected topics.
  • Teen Health, Course 3


    Hardcover (McGraw-Hill Education, Jan. 17, 2008)
    Teen Health is written especially for middle school students.
  • At the Dentist

    Mari C. Schuh

    Library Binding (Capstone Press, Jan. 1, 2008)
    In 2005 the USDA unveiled MyPyramid to help Americans make healthier eating choices. MyPyramid, which replaces the old Food Guide Pyramid, stresses the need for individual food plans. So now more than ever, young readers need to learn the importance of healthy eating and physical activity. With easy-to-read text and vivid photographs, these books clearly explain each food group, how each is important for good health, and how to make healthy choices.
  • All about Teeth

    Mari C. Schuh

    Library Binding (Capstone Press, Jan. 1, 2008)
    Everyone's mouth is full of teeth, and all of them have a job to do. Discover what different types of teeth look like, what they do, and how to keep them healthy.