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Books in Gods Creation series

  • The World God Made

    Ed Shewan, Michael McHugh, Edward Shewan

    Paperback (Christian Liberty Press, Feb. 16, 2000)
    The God's Creation Series is designed to give young students a greater understanding of and appreciation for the handiwork of Almighty God. This book has the following special features: Interesting facts to engage the minds of students, colorful images, helpful review questions, hands on experiments.
  • Gods Wonderful Works

    Ed Shewan

    Paperback (Christian Liberty Press, Aug. 1, 2007)
    Second grade students will delight to study creation based upon the six-day account described in the book of Genesis. Students learn about what God made during each of the days of creation. In full-co
  • Gods Wonderful Works Teachers Manual

    Ed Shewan

    Paperback (Christian Liberty Press, Aug. 1, 2007)
    Second grade students will delight to study creation based upon the six-day account described in the book of Gen­esis. Students learn about what God made during each of the days of creation. In full-c
  • Our Fathers World Teachers Manual

    Michael McHugh

    Paperback (Christian Liberty Press, Aug. 1, 2007)
    Teacher's Manual for Our Father's World, Grade 1.
  • Creation Cards: God's Animal Kingdom / 32 pc set

    Casscom Media

    Board book (Casscom Media, May 13, 2013)
    These colorful cards are perfect for introducing your child to the wonders of God's creation at an early age. Printed on sturdy stock to endure the wear of childhood exploration and covered with brilliant full color photos of animals, each card (measuring 7.5 x 4.25)is designed for parents to teach their young children (9 months and older) the names and simple facts about 29 animals, in a way that glorifies the Creator. The set includes two bonus blank cards for custom lessons.