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Books published by publisher ngBooks

  • River of Fire

    Nancy Gentry

    language (ngBooks, Dec. 1, 2015)
    On April 27, 1865 the magnificent riverboat Sultana exploded on the Mississippi River near Memphis, TN. With an estimated 1800 casualties, it is the worst maritime disaster in U.S. history, even exceeding the famed Titanic. Ironically, most of the passengers were Union ex-prisoners of war on their way home after surviving the war and the Confederate prison camps. River of Fire is the story of a young girl, a Union soldier, and a young boy, all based on real people, whose paths crossed on the ill-fated journey of the Sultana.
  • Tod Comes Home

    Nancy Gentry

    eBook (ngbooks, Nov. 30, 2013)
    This book is a historical fiction for young readers based on the true story of Tod Carter, the Carter family, and the Battle of Franklin (Nov. 30, 1864). It is an amazing story of a young soldier's journey to return home and his unfortunate family who found themselves right in the middle of a terrible battle.
  • Tod Comes Home

    Nancy Gentry, Brianna Miele

    Paperback (ngBooks, Sept. 25, 2013)
    On a day that was meant to be filled with celebration and fanfare at the return of Captain Tod Carter, his family and sweetheart Sarah Beth feel a heavy anxiousness grow as the Federals set up camp in the front yard of the Carter House. "Our plan isn't to attack here in Franklin," a Union general assures Tod's father, Fount Carter. "We plan to move our men out as soon as possible to join forces with General Thomas in Nashville." But events change quickly. The war that once seemed a distant tragedy is now at the Carters' doorstep. Fate has dealt Fount Carter a hand of unexpected dilemmas. Should he move his family to a safer place or stay and wait for his son's return? Based on the true story of Tod Carter, the Carter family, and the Battle of Franklin, life once again is more unbelievable than fiction. Tod's journey is filled with hardship, struggle, and hope. The family and sweetheart who wait for him can only have faith and pray that Tod Comes Home.
  • Rebel In Petticoats

    Nancy Gentry

    Paperback (ngBooks, Sept. 1, 2008)
    In 1861 ten-year-old Rachel Franklin and her family are pulled into the midst of the Civil War. Though at first the glory of fighting for the southern Cause brought pride and excitement into the Franklin home, the truth of war's hardships soon become apparent. Before the war the biggest worries for Rachel were using proper manners and controlling her jealousy towards her brother Bud's sweetheart, Suzanna Wade. Now Rachel and her mother must work the gardens, pick cotton, tend to their wounded men, and wait between letters with only hope that their loved ones survive. "We must be strong," Mama tells her, and on the night when Rachel must deliver an important message for Papa to save the lives of countless men, she learns the true meaning of bravery when she becomes a little Rebel in Petticoats.
  • River of Fire

    Nancy Gentry

    Paperback (ngBooks, Oct. 1, 2015)
  • The World of Ivy

    Nancy Gentry

    Paperback (ngBooks, Aug. 16, 2009)
    Book by Gentry, Nancy
  • The Secret and The Sunday Rose

    Nancy Gentry

    Paperback (ngBooks, June 15, 2011)
    Nine-year-old Jodie loves baseball more than anything. But in 1951 baseball is exclusively a boys' game, and, even though Jodie is a far better player than most boys her age, she is not allowed to join the team. Jodie's life is filled with even more frustrations and disappointments as she tries to untangle all of her family's old secrets. Every Sunday Mama delivers two roses: one to Daddy's grave and the other to a secret place. "You'll understand when you're older," Mama says. But Jodie wants to know now. All Jodie can do is help Mama make ends meet and hope that, one day soon, she will understand these mysteries. Not until Jodie's world is turned upside-down does she learn the secrets of her family. Reading Mama's old diary, Jodie discovers a past filled with wealth, grief, and jealousy. She is more confused than ever. Was Mama right? Is Jodie too young to understand The Secret and the Sunday Rose?
  • River of Fire by Nancy Gentry

    Nancy Gentry

    Paperback (ngBooks, July 6, 1885)
  • The Secret and The Sunday Rose by Nancy Gentry

    Nancy Gentry

    Paperback (ngBooks, March 15, 1844)