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Books published by publisher Lost To Time Literature

  • The History and Folklore of the Cowichan Indians

    Martha Douglas Harris

    eBook (Lost To Time Literature, Oct. 9, 2011)
    Originally released in 1901, Harris gives light to many of the beliefs and sacred tales passed down by generations of the Cowachin tribe of the Pacific Northwest in what is now known as British Columbia. Includes the tale of the Four Winds, the Grumbler, and the First Man on Earth.
  • Ten Years, A Cowboy

    Charles Clement Post

    eBook (Lost To Time Literature, Oct. 8, 2011)
    Originally published in 1898, C. C. Post's novel is a classic story of adventure and romance during one of the most captivating era's of American history: the wild west. Immerse yourself in the way of the old west through the mind of an author that lived through its golden years. Saddle up your faithful horse, and watch out for territorial Native American warriors.