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Books published by publisher Girlhood Journeys Inc.

  • Juliet - A Dream Takes Flight, England, 1339

    Anna Kirwan, Lynne Marshall

    eBook (Girlhood Journeys Inc., Jan. 4, 2012)
    Centuries and continents separate the five girls of the Girlhood Journeys™ Collection; Kai, Marie,Shannon, Juliet and Isabella. They share high spirits and a love of adventure that make them not allthat different from you and your friends. Collect all their stories and discover the excitement of their worlds.It’s the worst day of Juliet’s life. For years Marguerite, the young daughter for whom Juliet’s father works, has been her best friend. But Marguerite is going away, to be a lady-in-waiting at court, leaving Juliet behind. A stranger on horseback has stolen Marguerite’s beautiful kerchief from right under Juliet’s eyes and Juliet is afraid she will be blamed for the theft. Worst of all, her younger brother has accidentially released His Lordship’s most valuable falcon. Such an offense puts Juliet’s entire family in jeopardy, unless she can retrieve the precious bird. But how can a ten year old girl accomplish what a skilled falconer spends years learning to do?
  • Isabella - A Wish for Miguel, Peru 1820

    Shirlee P. Newman, Laurie Harden

    language (Girlhood Journeys Inc., Nov. 4, 2011)
    Centuries and continents separate the five girls of the Girlhood Journeys™ Collection; Kai, Marie, Shannon, Juliet and Isabella. They share high spirits and a love of adventure that make them not all that different from you and your friends. Collect all their stories and discover the excitement of their worlds.Summary:Isabella - A Wish for Miguel, Peru 1820Since Isabella’s mother died, the sparkle has disappeared from her father’s eyes. There are no more parties filled with dancing and laughter at the hacienda. Worst of all, the music that was her mother’s legacy has abandoned Isabella – she no longer has the heart to play the guitar.Now there is more bad news for Isabella. Miguel, her beloved housekeeper’s son and her father’s best sheepherder, has been called for service in the mines. The work is hard and dangerous, and many men are injured or even die. Only the viceroy himself has the power to excuse Miguel from service. Can Isabella find the courage to make her wish for Miguel come true – and perhaps her wish for herself and Papa as well?
  • Kai - A Mission for Her Village, Africa, 1440

    Dawn C. Gill Thomas, Vanessa Holley

    eBook (Girlhood Journeys Inc., Jan. 4, 2012)
    Centuries and continents separate the five girls of the Girlhood Journeys™ Collection; Kai, Marie, Shannon, Juliet and Isabella. They share high spirits and a love of adventure that make them not all that different from you and your friends. Collect all their stories and discover the excitement of their worlds.Kai isn't like the other girls in her Yoruba village of Ife. The boys tease her because she can run faster than they can. Even her best friend, Aisha, can't understand Kai's desire to learn how to make the beautiful terra cotta masks and bronze figures for which Yoruba craftsmen are celebrated, an art women in Ife are forbidden to learn. When a blight on the yam crop threatens the tribe with starvation, the Oni, the ruler of Ife, chooses Kai to take a message to a distant village. But instead of the trusted Aisha, Kai must share the dangerous mission with her vain, lazy older sister Jamila. With words of wisdom and encouragement from their granny Nalo, the village headmother, the girls set out on their four day journey through the dense forest and grasslands-a journey that will change Kai's relationship with her sister forever, and bring her closer to realizing her dream
  • Marie - An Invitation to Dance, Paris, 1775

    Kathleen v. Kudlinski, Lyn Durham

    eBook (Girlhood Journeys Inc., Jan. 4, 2012)
    Centuries and continents separate the five girls of the Girlhood Journeys™ Collection; Kai, Marie, Shannon, Juliet and Isabella. They share high spirits and a love of adventure that make them not allthat different from you and your friends. Collect all their stories and discover the excitement of their worlds.Marie lives to dance. She dreams of becoming a ballerina, but without a sponsor, she knows she will grow up and raise a family, just like her mother. Why can’t she be as excited about this future as her friend Joelle? But now, Marie has more than dancing on her mind. The colorful streets of Paris are suddenly filled with angry people, unable to feed their families while aristocrats at the King’s court live in luxury. Can Marie find a way to fulfill her dream and help others?
  • Shannon - A Chinatown Adventure, San Francisco, 1880

    Kathleen V. Kudlinski, Bill Farnsworth

    eBook (Girlhood Journeys Inc., Jan. 4, 2012)
    Centuries and continents separate the five girls of the Girlhood Journeys™ Collection; Kai, Marie,Shannon, Juliet and Isabella. They share high spirits and a love of adventure that make them not allthat different from you and your friends. Collect all their stories and discover the excitement of their worlds. At last! The long journey from Ireland and across the entire United States is over, and Shannon and her mother and younger brothers have joined her father in San Francisco. Everything is strange and unfamiliar to Shannon, and her parents tell her she must learn to accept the different ways of her new home. But Shannon knows she can never accept the frightening sight she sees on a visit to Chinatown, and with the help of a new friend, she sets out on a dangerous adventure. But Shannon often acts before she thinks, and this time, her impetuous nature could get her into real trouble.