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Books published by publisher D. McKay Co

  • The Lighthouse Book

    Michael Berenstain

    Hardcover (D. McKay Co, March 15, 1979)
    Examines the origins, distinctive features, and functions of lighthouses.
  • How to be a clown

    Charles Robert Meyer

    Hardcover (D. McKay Co, March 15, 1977)
    Describes how to become a circus clown and acquire such skills as mime, developing gags, and applying clown make-up.
  • The magic chalk

    Zinken Hopp

    Unknown Binding (D. McKay Co, March 15, 1959)
  • The Duck: How to Make THEM Pay: A Survivalists Guide to the Coming Duckpocalypse

    J.D. McKay

    Paperback (J.D. McKay, July 18, 2019)
    There is a great war coming. The Duck has been waiting, watching and preparing to once again rise and crush humanity. Those enlightened few of us who are capable of seeing this threat in time must learn, study and arm ourselves against the coming storm. Use this book to educate yourself and prepare for what may be our species' most perilous days.
  • Growing up at Grossinger's

    Tania Grossinger

    Hardcover (D. McKay Co, March 15, 1975)
    "To be devoured in one non-stop gulp...fascinating reading."Β—The New York PostFrom 1919 to 1986, Grossinger's Catskill Resort Hotel provided a summer retreat from the city heat for New York's Jews, and entertained the great, the near-great, and the not so great, Jews and Gentiles alike. A melting pot of the Borscht Belt, sports, and show-biz worlds, loyal visitors included Red Buttons, Rocky Marciano, Eddie Fisher, and Jackie Robinson. Tania Grossinger grew up there. In her fascinating insider's account of life in the hospitality industry, she sheds light on how hotel children keep up with the frenetic pace of life, and how they come to grips with the outside world (which intrudes now and again), sex (happening in every room), and, occasionally, their intellectual interests. Growing Up at Grossinger's is both a wonderful coming-of-age story and a sentimental reading of a chapter of the Jewish experience in America that has now closed. 25 b/w photographs.
  • Over Land and Sea;: A Biography of Glenn Hammond Curtiss,

    Robert Scharff

    Hardcover (D. McKay Co, March 15, 1968)
    Over Land and Sea: The Dramatic Story of The Great Aviation Pioneer Glenn H. Curtiss
  • More Indian friends and foes

    Dorothy Heiderstadt

    Hardcover (D. McKay Co, March 15, 1963)
  • Skywatchers;: The U.S. Weather Bureau in action

    William Bixby

    Hardcover (D. McKay Co, March 15, 1962)
  • Scavengers in Space

    alan nourse

    Hardcover (D. McKay Co., March 15, 1959)
    Hardcover book
  • Ventriloquism: Magic With Your Voice

    George Schindler

    Hardcover (David McKay Co, Oct. 1, 1979)
    Discusses basic techniques of ventriloquism and includes scripts and suggestions for putting an act together.
  • Richard Montgomery: Rebel of 1775

    A. L. Todd

    Hardcover (D. McKay Co, March 15, 1967)
  • Sacajawea: The girl nobody knows

    Neta Lohnes Frazier

    Hardcover (D. McKay Co, March 15, 1967)