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Books in Step by step series

  • Step-by-step: Collage

    Judy Balchin

    Hardcover (Heinemann Educational Books - Library Division, Oct. 9, 2002)
  • I Like Growing Up/Me Gusta Ser Mayor

    Rosa Sarda, Rosa Maria Curto, Bernice Randall

    Paperback (Lectorum Pubns, July 1, 2002)
    A Spanish and English listing of a number of the pleasures of growing.
  • Crafts from Papier-Mache

    Violaine Lamérand

    Paperback (Capstone Press, Sept. 1, 2003)
    Provides step-by-step instructions for making crafts from newspaper, wallpaper paste, paper mache, paint, and household objects.
  • Collage

    Judy Balchin

    Paperback (Heinemann Library, March 1, 2003)
  • Making Cards

    Charlotte Stowell, Jim Robins

    Paperback (Kingfisher Books Ltd, July 15, 1995)
  • 50 Recipes for Kids to Cook

    Judy. Williams

    Hardcover (Index, March 15, 1996)
    Rare Book
  • 50 Toys to Make: Fun and Practical Projects to Make for Babies and Children


    Hardcover (Lorenz Books, March 15, 1996)
    Rare Book
  • Beadwork

    Michelle Powell

    Paperback (Heinemann/Raintree, March 1, 2003)
    Powell, Michelle
  • Decorative Painting

    Judy Balchin

    Library Binding (Heinemann/Raintree, April 1, 2001)
    Provides step-by-step instructions for painting such projects as a tiger paperweight, sun wall hanging, fruity flower pot, and Picasso mirror, and offers tips on buying supplies, preparing surfaces, and applying proper techniques.
  • Step-by-step: Creative Lettering

    Judy Balchin

    Paperback (Heinemann Educational Books - Library Division, Oct. 2, 2001)
  • Handmade Cards

    Carter Tamsin, Tamsin Carter

    Library Binding (Heinemann/Raintree, Sept. 1, 2002)
    Presents instructions for making greeting cards with common craft materials.
  • How We Get Honey

    Janet McDonnell, Mina Gow McLean, Linda Hohag

    Library Binding (The Childs World Inc, Oct. 1, 1989)
    Describes the process of making honey, from the nectar gathering and hive activities of the bees to the collection and processing by the beekeepers and honey packers.