William Shakespeare: Complete Works
William Shakespeare
(JKL Classics, Feb. 7, 2017)
'Complete Works' by William Shakespeare eBook Report:This eBook of 'Complete Works' by William Shakespeare has been tested on below parameters across ALL devices (including Kindle, Android, iBook, Cloud Readers etc.). It works 100% perfectly as required.SUCCESSFUL TESTS RESULTS ACROSS ALL DEVICES:1) Active Footnotes & Endnotes with One-Click navigation.2) Active Table of Contents.3) Word Wise – Enabled.4) Illustrations & Tables (if any) are available with ZOOM feature on double-click.5) Formatted for Faster Reading experience with easy Font & Page adjustments. NOTE: This is an unabridged content. Spelling errors or Typos (if any) have been corrected as per Amazon standards. About “Complete Works” by William Shakespeare' *The complete theatrical works of the immortal Bard, uniquely supplemented with annotations and critical analysis by a host of eminent scholars, including Samuel Coleridge and Samuel Johnson, plus a biography of Shakespeare himself. For the collection of the Shakespeare enthusiast, and the edification of the Shakespeare novice.* - This content has been taken from GoodReads.com.