The Christmas Story
Brian Panning
(Dorrance Publishing, Oct. 23, 2012)
This is the day that salvation came to this world. A little child like no other, indeed the Son of God.There in the manger of some humble section of Bethlehem, a child sees the light of day for the first time, unassuming and with nary a fanfare. And for all the cares of the world, the day would have unmindfully retired to itself, except that the heavens and its angels could hardly contain breathless excitement, and a star and three magi confirm what had been prophesied hundreds of years ago.It's the first Christmas day, the day that man was given the only one who can redeem us from the fall. A day would soon come to follow that would hasten the end of the chasm separating Creator and creation and would finally bring both God and man together forever.