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Books published by publisher Albert Whitman andamp

  • { { Benny Uncovers a Mystery } } By Warner, Gertrude Chandler

    Gertrude Chandler Warner

    Paperback (Albert Whitman andamp, Jan. 1, 1991)
  • Ben Has Something to Say: A Story About Stuttering

    Laurie Lears, Karen Ritz

    Hardcover (Albert Whitman & Co, Sept. 1, 2000)
    In order to help a neglected dog which he sees at a junkyard, Ben, who stutters, begins to confront his fear of speaking.
  • Stop That Garbage Truck!

    Linda Glaser, Karen Lee Schmidt

    Library Binding (Albert Whitman & Co, Sept. 1, 1993)
    Shy, little Henry waits eagerly for the garbage truck to rumble down his street carrying his special friend, Jackson, only to find that no one took out the family's garbage can, leaving Henry to take drastic measures.
  • Best Friend on Wheels: A Concept Book

    Debra Shirley, Judy Stead

    Hardcover (Albert Whitman, March 1, 2008)
    In second grade, Mrs. Poole asks our narrator to show the new girl around school. Imagine the surprise when our narrator first meets Sarah-Sarah uses a wheelchair! For a moment, our narrator feels awkward. Then she sees a button Sarah wears. It says "Rockhound" on it. "Do you collect rocks?" Sarah says she does! "So do I," says our narrator. And soon it's clear that these new friends are more alike than different. They scrapbook, draw cartoons, and even go hot-air ballooning. Lively verse and bright pictures celebrate this very close friendship.
  • Sophie and the New Baby

    Laurence Anholt, Catherine Anholt

    Hardcover (Albert Whitman & Co, Sept. 1, 2000)
    Sophie waits through the seasons of the year for her sibling to be born and then experiences mixed feelings about the new baby.
  • Red Berry Wool

    Robyn Eversole, Tim Coffey

    Hardcover (Albert Whitman & Co, Sept. 1, 1999)
    Lalo, a young sheep wanting to learn all the steps needed to make a beautiful sweater out of his dirty coat, discovers the difficulty in each step, steps which consistently lead to disasters from which he must be rescued.
  • Daddies Give You Horsey Rides

    Abby Levine, John Bendall-Brunello

    Hardcover (Albert Whitman & Co, Jan. 1, 2004)
    Rhyming text describes the many and varied things that fathers do, like teaching you how to ride a bike, reading your favorite books over and over, and comforting you when you wake up from a scary dream.
  • The Cat Came Back: A Traditional Song

    Bill Slavin

    Library Binding (Albert Whitman & Co, Sept. 1, 1992)
    Despite Mr. Johnson's best efforts to get rid of the cat, the determined feline just keeps coming right back, in a brightly illustrated version of the traditional song.
  • What Mary Jo Shared

    Janice May Udry, Eleanor Mill

    Library Binding (Albert Whitman & Co, June 1, 1966)
    With originality, a shy girl solves the problem of what she can share with her class
  • Mei-Mei Loves the Morning

    Margaret Holloway Tsubakiyama, Cornelius Van Wright, Ying-Hwa Hu

    Hardcover (Albert Whitman & Co, April 1, 1999)
    A young Chinese girl and her grandfather enjoy a typical morning riding on grandpa's bicycle to do errands and meeting their friends in the park where they join them for tai-chi and tea.
  • The Yellow House Mystery

    Gertrude Chandler Warner, Mary Gehr

    Paperback (Albert Whitman & Co, Jan. 1, 1981)
  • Big Brother Dustin

    Alden R. Carter, Dan Young, Carol S. Carter

    Hardcover (Albert Whitman & Co, March 1, 1997)
    Dustin, a young boy who has Down syndrome, is excited about the birth of his younger sister and helps anyway he can to prepare for her arrival, but when it comes to picking a name, Dustin struggles with his choices because he wants to pick just the right one.