Super Science Light and Sound Experiments: 10 Amazing Experiments With Step-by-step Photographs
Chris Oxlade, John Farndon
(Miles Kelly Pub, Dec. 1, 2016)
Super Science Light and Sound Experiments is bursting with 10 super kids' science experiments. - Photographic step-by-step guide to each experiment.- Key scientific concepts explained and put to the test.- Notes for parents, teachers and helpers on support and safety. Super Science Light and Sound Experiments will get kids aged 7+ excited about science, learning how light travels and why we hear sounds. # With clear, vibrant photographs and step-by-step instructions, confident kids will be able to approach the experiments alone. # Each experiment has been designed with children in mind, so they are all clearly labelled with difficultly ratings and if extra adult assistance is required.# Interactive learning is encouraged further with a fun quiz to allow kids to recall what they have discovered. # A detailed glossary explains difficult concepts so children can work independently.# Fun experiments featured in Super Science Experiments Light and Sound: # Seeing sound: You can't see sound, but with this clever experiment it is made possible!# Rainbow colours: Create your own rainbow!# Changing colours: Discover how your eyes add colours and how filters block out colours!