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Books in Bible stories series

  • The Story of Easter: A Spark Bible Story

    Martina Smith, Peter Grosshauser;Ed Temple

    Hardcover (Sparkhouse Press, Feb. 15, 2016)
    Colorful art and rich storytelling engage young children with the extraordinary story of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Perfect for reading aloud with kids, The Story of Easter includes fun activities and questions to help children connect with the narrativeas well as Squiggles, an expressive little caterpillar that responds to the story. Spark Bible stories are designed to help kids grow in faith as they explore, discover, and wonder about God's Word.
  • Little Lamb's Bible

    P J Lyons

    Board book (Zondervan, Jan. 24, 2012)
    Little Lamb’s Bible is a soft, cuddly Bible that children ages 2 to 5 can call their own. Throughout this plush-covered book Little Lamb learns that he is loved and cared for by God as he hears about God’s faithfulness in stories from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. With sweet, rhyming text and colorful illustrations, this soft and cuddly character storybook Bible is sure to become a classic with preschoolers
  • The First Christmas

    Lynne Bradbury, Jenny Williams

    Hardcover (Ladybird Books, Sept. 1, 1990)
    Retells the story of how Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem, were forced to stay in a stable, and were visited by shepherds and three wise men who came to see their new baby, Jesus
  • The Story of Jonah

    Mary Auld, Diana Mayo

    Paperback (Franklin Watts Ltd, Aug. 17, 2000)
    An addition to the BIBLE STORIES series which retells the story of the prophet Jonah, who found himself in the belly of a whale when he tried to avoid doing God's will. Suitable for National Curriculum Key Stage 1-2, illustrated in full colour by Diana Mayo.
  • The Good Samaritan

    Sasha Morton, Alfredo Belli

    Hardcover (Ticktock Books, LTD, March 4, 2014)
    Retells the biblical parable of the Good Samaritan, in which a man is robbed, beaten, and left near death, then ignored by two men before being aided by a Samaritan.
  • The Miracles of Jesus

    Selina Hastings

    Paperback (DK CHILDREN, July 1, 1996)
    Bible stories about the miracles of Jesus, His Passion and Resurrection, and the deeds of Peter and Paul are accompanied by information about life in New Testament times
  • Little Lion's Bible

    P J Lyons

    Board book (Zondervan, Jan. 24, 2012)
    Little Lion’s Bible is a soft, cuddly Bible that children ages 2 to 5 can call their own. Throughout this plush-covered book, Little Lion learns that he is loved and cared for by God as he hears about God’s faithfulness in stories from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. With sweet, rhyming text and colorful illustrations, this soft and cuddly character storybook Bible is sure to become a classic with preschoolers.
  • Moses in the Bulrushes

    Mary Auld, Diana Mayo

    Paperback (Franklin Watts, March 1, 2000)
    Retells the Bible story of Moses, who was saved from being killed as a baby, grew up in Egypt, and came to realize that his destiny was to lead his people to freedom
  • David and Goliath

    Mary Auld, Diana Mayo

    Paperback (Franklin Watts Ltd, Feb. 27, 2003)
    The Israelites and the Philistines were at war. The Philistines were certain to win because they had the great Goliath as their champion. Surely no Israelite would dare to take on so mighty a warrior? Then the shepherd David stepped forward... Age 6+.
  • Daniel in the Lions Den


    Hardcover (Ticktock Books, LTD, Oct. 1, 2013)
    One of a new series of popular stories from the Bible presented with beautiful, traditional illustrations. The perfect introduction for young children, these books will be a treasured keepsake.Follow the story of Daniel, the boy who was thrown into the lions den! Will he survive?.
  • David and Goliath


    Hardcover (Ticktock Books, LTD, Oct. 1, 2013)
    One of a new series of popular stories from the Bible presented with beautiful, traditional illustrations. The perfect introduction for young children, these books will be a treasured keepsake.Find out what happened when an ordinary boy took on the mighty Goliath warrior- and won.
  • Noah's Ark

    Selina Hastings

    Paperback (DK Preschool, July 1, 1996)
    Bible stories from the books of Genesis and Exodus, retelling events from the Creation to the Ten Commandments, are accompanied by information about life in Old Testament times