The Mystery of the Talking Skull
Robert Arthur, Harry Kane
(Random House, Jan. 1, 1984)
The Three Investigators must solve this mystery as well as others after buying a magician's trunk- replete with a talking skull- which leads them on a dangerous quest for long lost bank loot. A cryptic note found in the trunk leads the investigators to a fortune teller who gives them a veiled warning. A warning that turns out to be true as a gang trails them out of the junkyard headquarters owned by the uncle of head detective Jupiter Jones. The question that Jupiter must answer is the whereabouts of the lost loot. The loquacious skull knows more about the loot than he is letting on. The skull is one of many leads in this concisely written boy's mystery. The leads lead to an easily solved plot...perhaps too easy to solve. I am no super sleuth when it comes to detective plots; I found myself absorbed, yet not mystified by this mystery plot.