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Books with title A Day in the Life of a Colonial Innkeeper

  • A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper

    Nate LeBoutillier

    Paperback (Capstone Press, Sept. 1, 2000)
    This book follows a zookeeper through the work day, and describes the occupation and what the job requires.
  • A Day in the Life of a Colonial Soldier

    J L Branse

    Paperback (Rosen Publishing Group, Jan. 1, 2002)
    This title covers the events, historical figures, and the daily life of a colonial soldier during the American Revolution.
  • A Day in the Life of a Colonial Surveyor

    Amy French Merrill

    Library Binding (Powerkids Pr, Aug. 1, 2002)
    Redding Book
  • A Day in the Life of a Colonial Sea Captain

    J L Branse

    Library Binding (Powerkids Pr, Jan. 1, 2002)
    Describes the life of a Nantucket sea captain, how he came to be in command of a whaling ship, and how he and his crew hunted whales.
  • Day in the Life of a Colonial Lighthouse Keeper

    Laurie Krebs

    Library Binding (Powerkids Pr, Jan. 31, 2004)
    Looks at the daily life of a lighthouse keeper at Boston Light in colonial Massachusetts, describes the duties and responsibilities of a colonial lighthouse keeper, and tells the history of Boston Light.
  • A Day in the Life of a Colonial Silversmith

    Kathy Wilmore

    Library Binding (Powerkids Pr, Aug. 1, 2000)
    Describes a day in the life of a colonial silversmith, what he made and how he made it, and his dealings with his apprentices and customers.
  • A Day in the Life of a Colonial Cabinetmaker

    Amy French Merrill

    Library Binding (Powerkids Pr, Aug. 1, 2002)
    Book by Merrill, Amy French, Merril, A. F.
  • A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper

    Nate LeBoutillier

    Library Binding (Capstone Press, Sept. 1, 2004)
    This book follows a zookeeper through the work day, and describes the occupation and what the job requires.
  • A Day in the Life of a Colonial Schoolteacher

    Kathy Wilmore

    Library Binding (Powerkids Pr, Aug. 1, 2000)
    Describes a day in a colonial American dame school, including who attended, what they learned, and what chores they did.
  • A Day in the Life of a Colonial Shipwright

    Laurie Krebs

    Library Binding (Powerkids Pr, Aug. 1, 2004)
    Describes a day in the life of a shipbuider, discussing training, key figures in the field, and steps to building a ship.
  • A Day in the Life of a Colonial Dressmaker

    Amy French Merrill, A F Merril

    Hardcover (Rosen Publishing Group, April 1, 2002)
    Readers of this series will travel back in time and spend a day in the life of a real citizen during the earliest days of our nation. Each book in the series features a person who actually lived and worked during colonial times. The readers will learn how they may have spent a day in their lives. The books offer original period documents, oil paintings, etchings, and woodcuts that portray the colonial era. These primary sources bring depth and authenticity to young readers' exploration of life before the American Revolution. The captivating stories of these real-life characters, some of them American icons, will make history tangible and fun
  • A Day in the Life of a Colonial Wigmaker

    Kathy Wilmore

    Paperback (The Rosen Publishing Group, Aug. 16, 2000)
    Paperback book for children - showing the art of wigmaking during colonial times. One of a series of books in the Library of Living and Working in Colonial Times.