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Books in The Fresh Faces series

  • As Fast As The Speed Of Light

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, June 18, 2017)
    500,000 is the number of likes, views, and shares that my video has received on Facebook. 2,000,100, 447 is the number of likes, views and positive comments that my video has received on YouTube. Some of the comments were even asking where this song could be bought. Personally, those were some of my favorites.When I had agreed to let Ross film me, I had no idea of how quickly this video would spread and how big it would become.
  • Time 2 Relax

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Aug. 24, 2017)
    Ever since they were nine years old, Westlyn and the others had spent two weeks out of every summer at Anderson Christian Camp. It was located forty five minutes outside of Dallas, Texas, and was a place that they considered a second summer home. On a different note, ACC was also an ideal relaxation destinations for the teens. After everything that this summer had had to offer so far, the teens were ready for a break. In fact, they needed it.
  • A Second Chance At Love

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, July 6, 2017)
    As they continued to listen to the conver-sation, Robyn and Aidan thought about this summer. Aidan and Robyn had definitely gotten closer, and feelings had started to bloom. Maybe this was their hearts telling them that it was okay and right to have a second chance at love.
  • Stella Long

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, July 14, 2017)
    Ever since June, Stella had been competing on a teenage t.v. singing competition called,"The Real Deal". It was a show where teens ages 13-17 competed each week to get one step closer to winning the ultimate prizes:$1,000,000, and a recording contract with Cookman Records. When the show had begun this season, there were 120 contestants. Now, at the show's season finale, there were only two left. One is a girl from Colorado, and the other is my best friend, Stella.
  • Too Late

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, July 4, 2017)
    "What do you guys want?" Rowan snapped. "Haven't you caused enough pain for Robyn already?""Please, Rowan, we are here to apologize to Robyn." Ross pleaded, his voice shaking. "Is she home?""No, she's not." Rowan said, calming down a little. "She and my parents just left to send Robyn off on her tour.""What?" Cassidy asked. "I thought she was supposed to leave at 6.""She was, but she got a call on Thursday night saying that the new time for departure would be at 3:45."Finally calmed down, Rowan said, "I'm sorry, guys, but you're too late."
  • A Phone Call From Katrina

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Aug. 20, 2017)
    "Sweetheart, is that you?" Hannah Vreeland called, as Vanna shut the door behind her."Yes, Ma'am!" Vanna called."How was school today, honey?" Charles Vreeland smiled, as Vanna made their way into the kitchen where her mother and father were sitting."It was good."Vannah smiled. "What's going on?""Katrina Harper called the house today and left a message saying that she had a big opportunity to talk to you about, and asked if you could please call her back as soon as possible.""Wait, Katrina called ?" Vanna asked, her heart skipping a beat. "Did she say what the opportunity was?""No, sweetheart." Hannah said. "What I told you what she said was all that she said." Without saying anything, Vanna walked over to the nearest cordless phone, picked it up, put it on speaker, and dialed Katrina's number.
  • October 22nd, 2018 The Fresh Faces

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, )
  • The New Girl

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Aug. 4, 2017)
    Even though I am excited about tomorrow, I am also a little nervous. After all, I will be the "new girl" on set. The reason I say "new girl" is because I am new to the professional acting world. I am also new to my co-stars who probably all know each other. I just hope that they are nice and accepting.
  • The Final Competition

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, July 27, 2017)
    Dear Journal, this year has been a wonderful year for my choirmates and myself. Not only did we once again win at State this year, but we once again won at Nationals this year, too! It has truly been a wonderful year for us! On a different note, the pressure is on again. Because we won at Nationals last year and this year, my choir mates and I are in New York City to compete at Worlds! This means that in three hours, choirs from around the world will congregate at the Radio City Music Hall to compete for the title of World Honor Choir Champions! Not only will the winning choir receive the winning title, large first place trophy,individual trophies and gold medals, and a $1,000,000check for their school, they will also be featured in next month's issue of Choirs Today magazine! I am truly excited about today that I can hardly wait!Love and God Bless,Lillian
  • Time 2 Celebrate

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Aug. 27, 2017)
    Dear Journal, today is a big day for my band mates and me. Today is our record release party. This means that our families, friends, manager, Uncle Kit, and many other people will be gathering at the Hyatt Regency Los Angeles Inter-national Airport to celebrate us and our first album being released. It is truly going to be a fun and awesome party.
  • What Do You Say?

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, July 16, 2017)
    For a moment, Stella stayed silent. Was she dreaming, or had her favorite teacher really just asked her to write a song for State? At this point, Stella couldn't really tell.
  • One-On-One

    Lindsay Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, May 30, 2017)
    I am one who is able to play it cool around any person or situation that I come across. All of my life, it has been that way. Don't get me wrong, I wear my heart on my sleeve, and show my emotions. After all, I am not made of stone. All I mean is that, most of the time, I am able to keep my composure. Around Poppy Phillips, however, it is quite difficult. She is drop dead gorgeous, talented, and just as drop dead gorgeous on the inside as she is on the outside. In thirty forty five minutes, I will be driving to her house and picking her up for lunch. Even though I am nervous, I am also very excited.