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Books in 21st Century Junior Library: Careers series

  • Working at a Computer Store

    Katie Marsico

    Library Binding (Cherry Lake Publishing, Aug. 1, 2009)
    This book provides young readers with an overview of what it is like to work at a computer store and then profiles several careers based at a computer store.
  • Farm Animals Chickens

    Cecilia Minden

    Library Binding (Cherry Lake Pub, July 15, 2009)
    Describes the physical characteristics and behavior of chickens, including how they are raised on a farm for their meat and eggs.
  • Praying Mantis

    Tamra Orr

    Paperback (Cherry Lake Pub, Aug. 1, 2015)
    Bugs and insects have always fascinated children. This book in the Creepy Crawly Critters series introduces young readers to the praying mantis. Readers can discover physical characteristics, habitat, diet, and more.
  • Plants Need Sunlight

    Jennifer Colby

    Paperback (Cherry Lake Pub, Aug. 1, 2014)
    Plants Need Sunlight helps young readers find the answers to questions and learn about the incredible process of photosynthesis. Call-outs throughout the book prompt inquiry and critical thinking skills by asking questions and inviting readers to looks closely at the photographs and diagrams.
  • Farm Animals Sheep

    Cecilia Minden

    Library Binding (Cherry Lake Pub, Aug. 1, 2009)
    Introduces young readers to sheep, their characteristics, and reasons why people keep them.
  • Wasp or Bee

    Tamra B. Orr

    Paperback (Cherry Lake Pub, Aug. 1, 2019)
    Some animals look so alike, it's difficult to tell which is which! The Wasp or Bee book in the Which Is Which? series helps readers discover the similarities and differences between wasps and bees. Focused on 21st Century content, the Which Is Which? series encourages readers to ask questions, think more critically and creatively, and use their problem-solving skills. Book includes table of contents, sidebars, glossary, index, and author biography.
  • Farm Animals Horses

    Cecilia Minden

    Library Binding (Cherry Lake Pub, July 15, 2009)
    Introduces horses, describing their life cycle, feeding habits, the work they used to do on farms, and the care they require.
  • Caring

    Lucia Raatma

    Paperback (Cherry Lake Pub, Aug. 1, 2013)
    Caring for others is an important part of maintaining healthy relationships. Readers of this book will develop word recognition and reading skills while learning how they can show their friends, family, and neighbors that they care. Sidebars encourage them to observe the different ways people care for each other and think of new ways to express their own caring. Additional text features and search tools, including a glossary and an index, help students locate information and learn new words.
  • Farm Animals Cows

    Cecilia Minden

    Library Binding (Cherry Lake Pub, Aug. 1, 2009)
    Describes the physical characteristics and behavior of cows, including how they are raised on a farm for their milk and meat.
  • Seal or Sea Lion

    Tamara B. Orr

    Paperback (Cherry Lake Pub, Aug. 1, 2019)
    Some animals look so alike, it's difficult to tell which is which! The Seal or Sea Lion book in the Which Is Which? series helps readers discover the similarities and differences between seals and sea lions. Focused on 21st Century content, the Which Is Which? series encourages readers to ask questions, think more critically and creatively, and use their problem-solving skills. Book includes table of contents, sidebars, glossary, index, and author biography.
  • Farm Animals Pigs

    Cecilia Minden

    Library Binding (Cherry Lake Pub, Aug. 1, 2009)
    Describes the physical characteristics and behavior of pigs, including how they are raised on a farm.
  • Farm Animals Ducks

    Cecilia Minden

    Library Binding (Cherry Lake Pub, July 15, 2009)
    Describes the physical characteristics and behavior of ducks, including how they are raised on a farm for their eggs, meat, and feathers.