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Books published by publisher HellBound Books

  • The Southern House

    Mark Deloy

    Paperback (Hellbound Books Publishing, June 25, 2018)
    "Move over Slenderman, there's a whole new reason to be afraid of the dark!" There are some places that lie where the barrier between worlds is thin and growing thinner. These corridors are as old as the Earth itself, hidden in dark and forgotten places, waiting to be found. There is a being who stalks these places and travels between those worlds. He was given the name Mr. Shift by generations of children and madmen. Just as Hickory Grimble hits rock bottom, he inherits his grandparents’ farm and believes his luck is changing. He soon finds he inherited more than money and land.Haunted by his own inner demons, now he has new problems. He begins to see strange creatures on the dark, sprawling acreage, animals that have no business living in middle Tennessee. He also discovers a decrepit, abandoned house in the forest that never seems to be in the same place twice.Balanced on a razor's edge between, addiction and fate, Hick is now face to face with an ancient evil that has returned once more to claim more of the town's children.
  • Blood and Kisses

    James H Longmore

    Paperback (Hellbound Books Publishing, July 24, 2017)
    “Think of what late greats James Herbert and Richard Laymon may have given birth to had they ever collaborated”Richard ChizmarWelcome to the long awaited collection from the writer of horror novels ‘Pede and Tenebrion; a forword by Richard Chizmar (co-author of Gwendy’s Button Box and author of A Long December),18 short stories, 5 flash fiction and even a poem - all skin-crawling, soul-shredding tales of terror, of the darkest things that skulk amongst the night’s inky shadows, and of the everyday gone horribly awry. Discover the alternative implication of technology becoming self-aware, enjoy the acquaintance of a charismatic new pastor who promises his flock a brand new place in which to worship his God, and spend a little time in the company of a nice young man who is inexorably caught up in his home town’s terrible secret. Then there is Cupid’s revelation that personally he has never experienced love, yet we discover that very emotion alive and not so well amongst the ruins of a post zombie apocalypse world, and we bear witness to a childhood innocence forever destroyed in a war-torn city.Observe, too a particularly unsavory individual’s obsession with the ever-elusive snuff movie, and then join an elderly bunch of forgetful sleuths out to solve the mystery of the brutal deaths that seem to occur with alarming regularity at their memory care facility. Now, have you ever considered what may happen should you have the misfortune to bump into your family’s doppelgangers on a long, tedious road trip? And can you even begin to imagine being the doting father who eventually realizes the apple of his eye’s true identity, or the parents who spend what is left of their crumbling lives waiting by the all too silent telephone for news of their addict son?There is more, Dear Reader, much, much more; for within these pages we have devils, demons and ghosts, lycanthropes and demi-gods, all rubbing nefarious shoulders with vilest of Hell’s offspring who have slithered from the netherworld to doff their caps and wish us all the sweetest of dreams…
  • Evolution of a Monster

    J Steffy

    Paperback (Hellbound Books Publishing, Aug. 14, 2018)
    A terrifying insight into the deteriorating mind of a serial killer. "I took Heather to the bathroom to mask her identity before we departed, and she became hysterical at the sight of her parents - still lying where they dropped. It had been over 24 hours since their death, and she was still freaking out about it. I couldn't have someone with me who was going to scream at the sight of blood; I understood some training was in order, so I sat her beside her mom and handed her a kitchen knife..." A stunning debut novel, your unique opportunity to join the murderous spree of an escalating serial killer, who is hellbent on achieving his sick goal of killing in each and every state of the USA.Through the killer's increasingly unhinged diary entries, gain an insight into his thoughts, imaginings and internal struggles, as he fights against his primal urge to satisfy the growing bloodlust, and to justify his nefarious actions to a rapidly crumbling mind. A wholly original book, that will shock, amuse and appall - plus provide you, the reader, with a ringside seat inside the psyche of a brutal killer... Evolution of a Monster wasn't written just for a read, it was written as a follow-along experience. Though the names, houses, and addresses are all make-believe, the streets, roads, cities, and landscape are all real.When read, while referring to a map, Evolution of a Monster takes you on the killer's journey for real. You can find the streets on a map, and see his actual path through woods, rivers and towns; and it is especially fun for those people who live on the actual streets, and who have been through these towns...
  • The Legacy of Old Gran Parks

    Isobel Blackthorn

    Paperback (Hellbound Books Publishing, Feb. 21, 2018)
    A dark tale of revenge and retribution in a truck-stop town in Australia’s southern wilderness.In the year of ’83, middle-aged stalwart Miriam rolls into town in her broken down car. Frankie, the deer hunter, is up in the forested hinterland with her gun. Old Pearl, the fisherwoman, sits on her front deck with her whiskey and her dog. And Emily, the English backpacker, scrubs out the pie-encrusted kitchen at the roadhouse. All is not well. Gran Parks is stirring. Four troubled women and one restless spirit. Who will survive?
  • Papa Jon's Shed

    Bill Adams, Sonny Shaw

    Paperback (Hello Books, )
  • Stories of Benjamin: Bk. 1

    T. Barrie Simmons

    Hardcover (Spellbound Books, March 15, 1987)