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Books published by publisher Unicorn Books

  • The Negro

    ED Edward Burghardt Du du Bois

    eBook (Dancing Unicorn Books, Aug. 24, 2016)
    William Edward Burghardt Du Bois was a black civil rights activist, leader, Pan-Africanist, sociologist, educator, historian, writer, editor, poet, and scholar. He became a naturalized citizen of Ghana in 1963 at the age of 95. "The time has not yet come for a complete history of the Negro peoples. Archaeological research in Africa has just begun, and many sources of information in Arabian, Portuguese, and other tongues are not fully at our command; and, too, it must frankly be confessed, racial prejudice against darker peoples is still too strong in so-called civilized centers for judicial appraisement of the peoples of Africa. Much intensive monographic work in history and science is needed to clear mooted points and quiet the controversialist who mistakes present personal desire for scientific proof. Nevertheless, I have not been able to withstand the temptation to essay such short general statement of the main known facts and their fair interpretation as shall enable the general reader to know as men a sixth or more of the human race. Manifestly so short a story must be mainly conclusions and generalizations with but meager indication of authorities and underlying arguments." - W. E. B. Du Bois
  • The Book of the Damned: With Linked Table of Contents

    Charles Fort

    language (Dancing Unicorn Books, Aug. 17, 2016)
    In the Book of the Damned Charles Fort investigates UFOs, poltergeists, mysterious planets, stigmata, strange falls of both organic and inorganic materials from the sky, odd weather patterns, the possible existence of mythological creatures, disappearances of people under strange circumstances and much much more. Fort writes in a caustic entertaining style as he exposes the flaws in modern science's handling of these paranormal phenomena.
  • The Art of War: With Linked Table of Contents

    Niccolo Machiavelli

    eBook (Dancing Unicorn Books, Aug. 17, 2016)
    Niccolò Machiavelli considered this book his greatest achievement. Here you will learn how to recruit, train, motivate, and discipline an army. You will learn the difference between strategy and tactics. Machiavelli does a masterful job of breaking down and analyzing historic battles. This book of military knowledge belongs alongside Sun-Tzu on every device.
  • Anne's House of Dreams

    Lucy Maud Montgomery

    eBook (Dancing Unicorn Books, March 18, 2017)
    The book begins with Anne and Gilbert's wedding, which takes place in the Green Gables orchard. Gilbert finds them a small house on the seashore at Four Winds Point, an area near the village of Glen St. Mary, where he is to take over his uncle's medical practice. After the wedding, they move to their first home together, which Anne calls their "house of dreams."
  • Resonant Bronze

    J.M. Ney-Grimm

    language (Wild Unicorn Books, Sept. 26, 2013)
    The warriors of Torbellai brought back a prize in the night, and young Paitra wants to see it. Even hidden away in the armory, the artifact changed the whole mood of their mountain citadel from dread foreboding to hope. And Paitra's people need hope to turn the tide in their long war against the troll horde. Might this small triumph presage a mightier victory? But the warlord hid the fighters' plunder for good reason. Forged by trolls and radiating magic, it presents grave risk to the soul and spirit of any who approach it. Sneaking past the weapon smiths into the armory with his brother, Paitra still believes his home a safe place for boy's mischief. But bronze hammered by trolls is anything but safe. Opportunity cloaked within its lethal enchantment awaits the right unlocking key. Could Paitra wield that key? And will he survive his curiosity? Through death into magic and sound, Paitra confronts . . . resonant bronze. The Lodestone Tales In the years that came before the ancient days of the North-lands, a brilliant inventor fabricated the lodestones—powerful artifacts that concentrate magical force. And while men and women walk the earth but a short while, the lodestones persist through centuries and millennia. When they fall into the hands of mortals, history changes. Follow the lodestones down through the ages as adventure follows adventure, and ordinary folk rise to meet extraordinary challenges. (Although the Lodestone Tales form a rough history, each story stands alone. You need not read them in order.) Skies of Navarys (1) The Tally Master (1.5) Resonant Bronze (2) Rainbow's Lodestone (3) Star-drake (4) Praise for J.M. Ney-Grimm "...Ney-Grimm paints a vivid, lush picture worthy of the Peter Jackson treatment." — D.J. Gelner, Amazon review of Troll-magic "Extremely fascinating and insightful..." — Paty Saternye, Amazon review of Livli's Gift "Ney-Grimm's unique blend of Nordic fantasy and fairy tale mentality is a refreshing take on the genre... I read a lot of fiction, and I can honestly say I've not come across anything quite like this." — James J. Parsons, Speaking to the Eyes review of Rainbow's Lodestone "Her work compares favorably with Robin McKinley and Patricia McKillip ...I'm really pleased to have discovered her!" — Mira, Amazon review of Troll-magic Excerpt from Resonant Bronze Something had changed the previous autumn in the Battle of the Falling Waters. The Ghriana warriors poured into the valley between the lake and the cliff, high-couraged and fell, sweeping the troll horde onto the precipice, pushing them over its brink where the waters tumbled. Victory seemed near—the next in a string of crucial victories—when a low, resonant throbbing disturbed the air and shivered the earth. The Ghriana faltered, suddenly weak at the knee and hollow at heart. The troll horde recovered and, under Regenen Carbry's command, seized the field. The Ghrianan death toll grew grievous, and every conflict since had featured troll dominance, Ghrianan rout, all accompanied by that hideous throbbing groan on the breeze and rumble through the ground. But, now, now, something had changed again. Why? Paitra wanted to see the bounty brought in by the victorious warriors. What was this prize, that its capture should bend the current of the war?
  • The Return Of Tarzan

    Edgar Rice Burroughs

    language (Dancing Unicorn Books, Jan. 6, 2017)
    After being thrown overboard, Tarzan finds himself in the coastal jungle where he was brought up by the apes.
  • Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ

    Lew Wallace

    eBook (Dancing Unicorn Books, Aug. 8, 2016)
    Ben-Hur is one of the best selling books of all times. This poignant novel intertwines the life stories of a Jewish charioteer named Judah Ben-Hur and Jesus Christ. It explores the themes of betrayal and redemption. Ben-Hur's family is wrongly accused and convicted of treason during the time of Christ. Ben-Hur fights to clear his family's name and is ultimately inspired by the rise of Jesus Christ and his message. A powerful, compelling novel.
  • The Bhagavad Gita According to Gandhi: With Linked Table of Contents

    Mohandas K. Gandhi

    eBook (Dancing Unicorn Books, Aug. 17, 2016)
    My first acquaintance with the Gita began in 1888-89 with the verse translation by Sir Edwin Arnold known as the Song Celestial. On reading it, I felt a keen desire to read a Gujarati translation. And I read as many translations as I could lay hold of. But all such reading can give me no passport for presenting my own translation. Then again my knowledge of Sanskrit is limited, my knowledge of Gujarati too is in no way scholarly. How could I then dare present the public with my translation? It has been my endeavor, as also that of some companions, to reduce to practice the teaching of the Gita as I have understood it. The Gita has become for us a spiritual reference book. I am aware that we ever fail to act in perfect accord with the teaching. The failure is not due to want of effort, but is in spite of it. Even through the failures we seem to see rays of hope. The accompanying rendering contains the meaning of the Gita message which this little band is trying to enforce in its daily conduct.--Mahatma Gandhi
  • Livli's Gift

    J.M. Ney-Grimm

    eBook (Wild Unicorn Books, Jan. 15, 2014)
    Livli struggles with a secret she keeps from everyone, even her closest friends, and she must solve the problem at its heart before she’s discovered. She’s certain the answer lies in a fragment of folklore and magic half-remembered from her childhood. Almost certain. She wouldn’t need forgotten magic if only the men and women of her secluded mountain culture dwelt together. But the women—and Livli—inhabit their sister-lodge atop its lofty bluff, while the men live apart in their brother-lodge several valleys away. Unless she can force a change, Livli stands to lose everything . . . including the most precious thing in her life: her son. A story of secrets, shibboleths, and deep-forged strength told with all the insight and engaging intimacy that J.M. Ney-Grimm brings to epic fantasy. KAUNIS CLAN SAGAThe Hammarleeding people dwell in the high mountain valleys of J.M. Ney-Grimm’s North-lands. They wield a tribal magic born of dance and song and the flow of sacred waters. Ritual and tradition hold a special place in Hammarleeding culture. Their rites are beautiful and uplifting, but they underpin a way of life that features many thou-shalt-nots. In each story of the Kaunis Clan Saga, one woman—or one man—challenges the shibboleths that threaten her—or his—particular bright dream. Sarvet’s Wanderyar (1) Crossing the Naiad (2) Livli’s Gift (3) Winter Glory (4) Each installment presents a unique protagonist from a fresh generation of the family. The stories stand alone and need not be read in order. EXCERPT FROM LIVLI'S GIFTLivli rerolled the scroll carefully, returned it to its pigeonhole, and sighed. The whisper of her breath sounded loud in the quiet space, as had the crackle of the brittle parchment and the faint click of the closing cabinet door. The tale of The Princess and the Griffon did not have the reference she was looking for. Neither had The Lindworm’s Eyrie nor Triton’s Egg. "Why am I bothering," she murmured. "It’s a wild gos chase." But she knew why she was bothering. She really, really wanted the information in whatever tale it was. "I wish I could remember." But she couldn’t remember. Of course, she could ask her birth-mother. Sarvet would undoubtedly reel off an entire list of the folktales she’d told her children at bedtime. But I don’t want her to know . . . what I’m thinking about right now. Livli sighed again.
  • Perilous Chance

    J.M. Ney-Grimm

    language (Wild Unicorn Books, Jan. 17, 2014)
    If only Mama were well. If only Papa were . . . not like this. Clary needs a miracle, but wonders rarely step forth to solve life's problems.While her mama lies wearily abed and her papa spends the day . . . elsewhere, Clary struggles to look after her younger sister and their baby brother. And longs for more than making do. If only. Then, one spring morning, Clary and Elspeth visit the old bramble-grown quarry to pick wild cabbage leaves. Hidden within the rock's cleft, Clary's miracle awaits. But this miracle sports razor-sharp talons, world-shaking power, ravenous hunger, and a troll-witch to guard its sleep. When it cracks the egg, will Clary survive?Something wondrous this way comes!Praise for Perilous Chance “It’s a tale of mistakes and redemption, and the power to do the right thing now, even if you can’t change the past... [The sense of mystery] creates a wonderful release of tension...and a very satisfying ending...expertly written, and subtle enough that I found myself pleasantly surprised at the resolution of the plot. [Ney-Grimm] has an ethereal sort of quality to her writing which is extremely’s almost mystical...absolutely unique, and absolutely engaging.” – James J. Parsons, Speaking to the Eyes Excerpt from Perilous Chance She was eleven, and she was hurt. Her leg lay under her, knee throbbing. Her arm ached, the broken bone within sickening in its pain. But worst of all, worst of all, a vast shadow loomed above her, dark wings spanning distances too great for the grotto enclosing them, razor-sharp talons sparking with the spitting blue fire of a strange power."No, please, no," she whispered.How had it come to this? Her day had started so ordinarily, getting breakfast for herself and her sister, because Mama could not. She cast her thoughts desperately back to the morning. I'm there. Not here. I'm there.
  • Pollyana

    Eleanor H. Porter

    language (Dancing Unicorn Books, Dec. 2, 2016)
    Pollyanna Whittier, is a young orphan who goes to live in Beldingsville, Vermont, with her wealthy but stern Aunt Polly. Pollyanna's philosophy of life centers on what she calls "The Glad Game", an optimistic attitude she learned from her father. The game consists of finding something to be glad about in every situation.
  • Skies of Navarys

    J.M. Ney-Grimm

    eBook (Wild Unicorn Books, Jan. 15, 2014)
    Two friends. Two opinions. One dilemma.On fabled Navarys—the Atlantis of the North-lands—Liliyah studies energea as all thirteen-year-olds do, devoting her mornings to mastering the music that controls her magic. Afternoons, she hobnobs with the artisan crafters and shopkeepers who built the island city-state into the trade capital of the world.Her friend Mago faces struggles unsuspected by carefree Liliyah. His father, a renowned inventor, succumbs to irrational flashes of rage. His mother holds a lethal secret close.When the king’s geomancer announces that a tidal wave threatens Navarys, every citizen on the island springs to action. Amidst the uproar, the aeromancer Palujon steals Mago’s father’s latest invention: unique lodestones with the potential to revolutionize life as the Navareans know it.Mago vows to make good his father’s loss. But Liliyah questions Palujon’s motives. Why would a man of his stature break the law? Is he truly a dastard?Two friends. Two answers. Life and death hang on their choices.The Lodestone Tales In the years that came before the ancient days of the North-lands, a brilliant inventor fabricated the lodestones—powerful artifacts that concentrate magical force. And while men and women walk the earth but a short while, the lodestones persist through centuries and millennia. When they fall into the hands of mortals, history changes. Follow the lodestones down through the ages as adventure follows adventure, and ordinary folk rise to meet extraordinary challenges. (Although the Lodestone Tales form a rough history, each story stands alone. You need not read them in order.) Skies of Navarys (1) The Tally Master (1.5) Resonant Bronze (2) Rainbow's Lodestone (3) Star-drake (4) Praise for J.M. Ney-Grimm"...a coming-of-age story with elements of Steampunk make it a great tale for fantasy enthusiasts of all ages." — D.J. Gelner, Amazon review of Troll-magic"I loved this story! It is lively, perky and interesting." — W. Walsh, Amazon review of The Troll's Belt"J.M. Ney-Grimm is a master [of epic fantasy], and I've been a fan of her work since the first paragraph I read..." — James J. Parsons, Speaking to the Eyes review of Sarvet's Wanderyar"Her work compares favorably with Robin McKinley and Patricia McKillip ...I'm really pleased to have discovered her!" — Mira, Amazon review of Troll-magicExcerpt from Skies of Navarys“Energea stones are safer than they’ve ever been,” Liliyah insisted.“Except the ones that go untested.” Did Mago sound glum?Liliyah was tired of being patient with him. “There are no untested stones! My father sees to that!” she snapped.“Oh, yes, there are.”“Do you just enjoy being sad and mad or something? ’Cause I don’t! What’s wrong with you, Mago?”“I prefer being accurate over illusory happiness”—an unbearably superior tone—“as you clearly don’t, Demoselle Lykos. Fine! Be glad and ignorant. I don’t care. You’re only a baby anyway. With a nurse.”Speechless, Liliyah jerked to her feet.