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Books with author Steinkraus Kyla

  • Constitution

    Kyla Steinkraus

    Library Binding (Rourke Educational Media, Aug. 1, 2014)
    America’s founders wanted a government that would protect the people but that would also give them rights and liberties. This book outlines the reasons the Constitution was first written in 1787, and how it has changed to fit our world today. The Constitution contains an introduction, or preamble, and seven articles describing the states’ rights and responsibilities. Learn how amendments have been made throughout the years, how the branches of government work, and what responsibility they play in upholding America’s most important document; the Constitution. This book will allow students to describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text.
  • May I Please?

    Kyla Steinkraus

    Library Binding (Rourke Educational Media, Aug. 1, 2012)
    Being Polite, Having Good Manners, And Showing Kindness To Others Is The Topic Of This Book. Gives Different Situations And Circumstances Where Politeness Is Important. Complete K-5 Social Skills Collection. Paired With A Fiction Social Skills Title.
  • Cupcakes with Sally Ride

    Kyla Steinkraus, Katie Wood

    eBook (Rourke Educational Media, Jan. 25, 2019)
    The Sweets Shop always gets special customers, but when Sally Ride comes to visit, Fiona and Finley go on a special trip—into outer space! Finley and Fiona have a blast, but there’s more to learn on this epic journey than they expected. Includes extensive back matter with biography, further reading, and author interview.
  • Cupcakes with Sally Ride

    Kyla Steinkraus, Katie Wood

    Paperback (Rourke Educational Media, Aug. 1, 2017)
    In Cupcakes with Sally Ride, readers will follow Fiona and Finley as they travel back in time to meet the first woman to go to space. The Time Hop Sweets Shop series lets students follow time traveling siblings as they join historical figures to experience pivotal moments in their lives. In each 32-page title, students strengthen their reading comprehension skills as they engage with leveled text, biographies, and more resources.
  • Sundaes With Harriet Tubman

    Kyla Steinkraus

    Paperback (Rourke Pub Group, March 15, 1813)
  • Dessert with Daniel Boone

    Kyla Steinkraus

    Library Binding (Rourke Educational Media, Jan. 1, 2016)
    The 32-page book, Dessert with Daniel Boone, introduces young readers to an important historical figure while strengthening their reading proficiency. The fictionalized storyline creates a relatable scenario of meeting a history-defining American and learning more about their way of life. The charming illustrations and adventure-filled text of the Time Hop Sweets Shop books work together to support young readers. With comprehension questions, biographical information, and websites for further discovery, this series helps children develop strong reading comprehension skills while also gaining important historical knowledge.
  • Rocky Planets

    Kyla Steinkraus

    Library Binding (Rourke Educational Media, Aug. 1, 2014)
    In Rocky Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, students will examine the four planets closest to the Sun and make observations about the solar system. Filled with fun facts, young learners will love exploring the scientific information and drawing conclusions about life now and in the future. The Inside Outer Space series takes readers on an intergalactic journey that unravels the mysteries of the universe. Each 24-page book informs readers in grades K–3 on the Sun, Earth, planets, and stars, while also igniting imaginations about the unknown. Stunning photographs and diagrams engage readers, while text-based questions aid in reading comprehension
  • Rabbits on the Farm

    Kyla Steinkraus

    Library Binding (Rourke Pub Group, Aug. 1, 2010)
    Introduces rabbits and discusses what they eat, where they sleep, and what products they provide.
  • Cherry Pie with Daisy Bates

    Kyla Steinkraus, Katie Wood

    Paperback (Rourke Educational Media, July 1, 2018)
    In Cherry Pie with Daisy Bates, readers will follow Fiona and Finley as they travel back in time to meet the Civil Rights activist. The Time Hop Sweets Shop series lets students follow time traveling siblings as they join historical figures to experience pivotal moments in their lives. In each 32-page title, students strengthen their reading comprehension skills as they engage with leveled text, biographies, and more resources.
  • Me permite, por favor? May I Please?

    Kyla Steinkraus

    Paperback (Rourke Publishing, )
  • Apple Pie with Amelia Earhart

    Kyla Steinkraus

    Library Binding (Rourke Educational Media, Jan. 1, 2016)
    The 32-page book, Apple Pie with Amelia Earhart, introduces young readers to an important historical figure while strengthening their reading proficiency. The fictionalized storyline creates a relatable scenario of meeting a history-defining American and learning more about their way of life. The charming illustrations and adventure-filled text of the Time Hop Sweets Shop books work together to support young readers. With comprehension questions, biographical information, and websites for further discovery, this series helps children develop strong reading comprehension skills while also gaining important historical knowledge.
  • Constitution

    Kyla Steinkraus

    Paperback (Rourke Educational Media, Aug. 1, 2014)
    America’s founders wanted a government that would protect the people but that would also give them rights and liberties. This book outlines the reasons the Constitution was first written in 1787, and how it has changed to fit our world today. The Constitution contains an introduction, or preamble, and seven articles describing the states’ rights and responsibilities. Learn how amendments have been made throughout the years, how the branches of government work, and what responsibility they play in upholding America’s most important document; the Constitution. This book will allow students to describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text.