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Books with author Robert Grow

  • INSTAGRAM MARKETING ADVERTISING 2020: Secrets on how to do personal branding in the right way and becoming a top influencer even if you have a small business

    Robert Grow

    At first, some people get into Instagram to socialize and for fun. Anyway, it is a better way to share some of your personal photos and perhaps show off! In addition, Instagram can be used for an effective and fruitful marketing strategy. Most of the people on Instagram are unaware that you can make their business more visible. However, this becomes better when you have clearly identified your niche. Most of the prevalent niches are fashion, health, and fitness, travel and tourism and beauty. It should not be an issue if your business does not fall under any of these niches. Start by evaluating the most appropriate niche for your business which makes you unique. There is an Instagram niche for everyone, whether you are a succulent grower, food blogger, nature lover, or a travel marketer. You just need to find your niche and stick to it. Doing this may not be easy; take time deliberating the best choice. It also requires accuracy and patience.For effective Instagram marketing:•You must be sure that the content you share through Instagram will reflect the values that you represent as a brand. Being genuine can help you resonate well with your target audience. •You should be flexible without compromising your business goals. Even though the strategies and tactics described in this book are proven effective, you must still be open to experimenting to see which can really bring results. •You should always be mindful of your Instagram activities. While you can outsource the job, it is still your responsibility to make sure that your posts are beneficial to your brand and your activities can bring results. Be on top of your online activities as it can make or break your business. This guide will focus on the following:•Why use Instagram?•How Instagram works; the different functionalities•How to make a great Instagram account•How to make money from Instagram page•Why content needs to be effective•Building a personal brand in 2019•How to do lead magnet on Instagram like a pro•Creating an effective marketing strategy•Why Instagram for social marketing•Best apps to use to market your brand on Instagram•Building value and setting up your account for success•Common mistakes to avoid when marketing on Instagram•The best tips for growing your Instagram business account… AND MORE!
  • YOUTUBE MASTERY MARKETING 2020: The ultimate beginners guide with the latest secrets on how to do social media business growing a top video channel and build a profitable passive income source

    Robert Grow

    Paperback (Independently published, Nov. 11, 2019)
    Many people have discovered creative methods to earn money using the internet. A “money-making” technique that is currently popular today is the monetization of YouTube channels. Whether you are a musician who wants to get some attention from music fans all over the world or a business owner who is establishing a video library for the products that you are selling, monetizing your YouTube account is a great way to build a reliable income, provided you do it correctly.There is a lot of misconception about YouTube as a social media platform. Because of the ease with which users can update and create their own content, it often seems like less of a social media network and more of a personal page. But just because you can use Facebook, Twitter and the like to promote your video, doesn’t mean that YouTube isn’t a viable social media platform. In fact, YouTube can be seen as the heart of the social media platforms as its content is widely distributed throughout the other platforms. In fact, 400 tweets per minute contain a YouTube link, and YouTube’s search bar is the second only after Google. YouTube has the benefit of having one of the most engaged audiences out of the social media platforms. With tweets flooding Twitter news feeds, and posts cluttering Facebook feeds, it’s harder than ever to reach followers on platforms. However, 85% of YouTube subscribers consider themselves “regular” YouTube users. It’s recommended that if you do pursue creating a YouTube channel that you have a professional team of producers and creators as the content uploaded should maintain a high standard. However, a lot of big Youtubers have started with just their mobile phone and a personality. Now, video content and a strong YouTube presence can be significantly harder to establish than say Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. But if video content were right for your brand, it would be well worth the extra step. As YouTube is free to set up (and easy - all you need is your Gmail address, and you’re set), the company makes its massive profits from ads. While they are reserved for those top budget players, YouTube still has certain issues with the ads as they are considered a form of interruption messaging, i.e. not organic content that is so highly favored on other social media platforms. Essentially, the paid ads are disrupting viewers from what they are doing on the site. And with the ease of the “Skip Now” button, the ads have a high chance of not being viewed if they are not properly targeted. This guide will focus on the following:•Features and impact of YouTube•YouTube tools to help you target viewers•Creating great YouTube content•How the YouTube algorithm works•How to get more YouTube subscribers•Making your videos•Bringing in the traffic•Picking a profitable niche and keyword research•SEO•YouTube channel goals you can control… AND MORE!
  • FACEBOOK MARKETING ADVERTISING 2020: The ultimate beginners guide with the latest strategies on how to become a top influencer even if you have a small business

    Robert Grow

    Whether you are just starting or established your business ten years ago, you will be able to grow your business with Facebook. If you haven’t created your Facebook business page, this is your first step. From there, you can create advertisements following your schedule and budget. By paying attention to your customers’ needs and wants, you will be able to develop some of the most engaging advertisements for your target audience. Creating an ideal customer profile is an important step when you are determining your target audience. Through your ideal customer, you can get an idea of their age range, location, gender, and interests. Once your advertisements are up and running, you will be able to use Facebook’s analytics in order to improve your ideal customer profile. This will only help you increase engagement and customers. Once you have your ideal customer in place, you will want to create a detailed marketing plan. This plan will include everything from your mission to your customer service support. This book is created as a guide that you can read and reread. It will be helpful as you start to grow your customer base through Facebook. You can turn to the pages of this book when you are looking for your next advertising strategy, such as PPC or Facebook Messenger Ads. If you are unsure of your next step, you can look through this book as it will help you reach your next step. Your dedication, patience, will to succeed and this valuable information are going to take you farther than you thought possible in the Facebook advertising market. No matter how prepared you are to integrate the words of this book into your Facebook advertising, you want to remember that it all takes time. No success happens overnight. Whether your business is one year old or twenty, it will take time for Facebook users to start noticing your business and advertising. Don’t let this discourage you. Instead, remember success comes to those who are patient and dedicated.This guide will focus on the following:•The Importance of a Facebook Page•Choosing Your Audience•Choose & refine your page theme•Using advertising functions on Facebook•Making Ads - Targeting•Avoid being banned from advertising on Facebook•Content Marketing in Facebook•Facebook Sales Funnel•How to Set up Facebook Business Manager•Choose The Best Advertising Option For Your Business on Facebook•How To Use Facebook Like A Pro For Your Business•Psychology Behind Ads•AdWords vs. Facebook… AND MORE!
  • YOUTUBE MASTERY MARKETING 2020: The ultimate beginners guide with the latest secrets on how to do social media business growing a top video channel and build a profitable passive income source

    Robert Grow

    Many people have discovered creative methods to earn money using the internet. A “money-making” technique that is currently popular today is the monetization of YouTube channels. Whether you are a musician who wants to get some attention from music fans all over the world or a business owner who is establishing a video library for the products that you are selling, monetizing your YouTube account is a great way to build a reliable income, provided you do it correctly.There is a lot of misconception about YouTube as a social media platform. Because of the ease with which users can update and create their own content, it often seems like less of a social media network and more of a personal page. But just because you can use Facebook, Twitter and the like to promote your video, doesn’t mean that YouTube isn’t a viable social media platform. In fact, YouTube can be seen as the heart of the social media platforms as its content is widely distributed throughout the other platforms. In fact, 400 tweets per minute contain a YouTube link, and YouTube’s search bar is the second only after Google. YouTube has the benefit of having one of the most engaged audiences out of the social media platforms. With tweets flooding Twitter news feeds, and posts cluttering Facebook feeds, it’s harder than ever to reach followers on platforms. However, 85% of YouTube subscribers consider themselves “regular” YouTube users. It’s recommended that if you do pursue creating a YouTube channel that you have a professional team of producers and creators as the content uploaded should maintain a high standard. However, a lot of big Youtubers have started with just their mobile phone and a personality. Now, video content and a strong YouTube presence can be significantly harder to establish than say Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. But if video content were right for your brand, it would be well worth the extra step. As YouTube is free to set up (and easy - all you need is your Gmail address, and you’re set), the company makes its massive profits from ads. While they are reserved for those top budget players, YouTube still has certain issues with the ads as they are considered a form of interruption messaging, i.e. not organic content that is so highly favored on other social media platforms. Essentially, the paid ads are disrupting viewers from what they are doing on the site. And with the ease of the “Skip Now” button, the ads have a high chance of not being viewed if they are not properly targeted. This guide will focus on the following:•Features and impact of YouTube•YouTube tools to help you target viewers•Creating great YouTube content•How the YouTube algorithm works•How to get more YouTube subscribers•Making your videos•Bringing in the traffic•Picking a profitable niche and keyword research•SEO•YouTube channel goals you can control… AND MORE!
  • INSTAGRAM MARKETING ADVERTISING 2020: Secrets on how to do personal branding in the right way and becoming a top influencer even if you have a small business

    Robert Grow

    Paperback (Independently published, Nov. 11, 2019)
    At first, some people get into Instagram to socialize and for fun. Anyway, it is a better way to share some of your personal photos and perhaps show off! In addition, Instagram can be used for an effective and fruitful marketing strategy. Most of the people on Instagram are unaware that you can make their business more visible. However, this becomes better when you have clearly identified your niche. Most of the prevalent niches are fashion, health, and fitness, travel and tourism and beauty. It should not be an issue if your business does not fall under any of these niches. Start by evaluating the most appropriate niche for your business which makes you unique. There is an Instagram niche for everyone, whether you are a succulent grower, food blogger, nature lover, or a travel marketer. You just need to find your niche and stick to it. Doing this may not be easy; take time deliberating the best choice. It also requires accuracy and patience.For effective Instagram marketing:•You must be sure that the content you share through Instagram will reflect the values that you represent as a brand. Being genuine can help you resonate well with your target audience. •You should be flexible without compromising your business goals. Even though the strategies and tactics described in this book are proven effective, you must still be open to experimenting to see which can really bring results. •You should always be mindful of your Instagram activities. While you can outsource the job, it is still your responsibility to make sure that your posts are beneficial to your brand and your activities can bring results. Be on top of your online activities as it can make or break your business. This guide will focus on the following:•Why use Instagram?•How Instagram works; the different functionalities•How to make a great Instagram account•How to make money from Instagram page•Why content needs to be effective•Building a personal brand in 2019•How to do lead magnet on Instagram like a pro•Creating an effective marketing strategy•Why Instagram for social marketing•Best apps to use to market your brand on Instagram•Building value and setting up your account for success•Common mistakes to avoid when marketing on Instagram•The best tips for growing your Instagram business account… AND MORE!
  • The Law-Breakers and Other Stories

    Robert Grant

    eBook (, May 16, 2012)
    This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.
  • FACEBOOK MARKETING ADVERTISING 2020: The ultimate beginners guide with the latest strategies on how to become a top influencer even if you have a small business

    Robert Grow

    Paperback (Independently published, Nov. 11, 2019)
    Whether you are just starting or established your business ten years ago, you will be able to grow your business with Facebook. If you haven’t created your Facebook business page, this is your first step. From there, you can create advertisements following your schedule and budget. By paying attention to your customers’ needs and wants, you will be able to develop some of the most engaging advertisements for your target audience. Creating an ideal customer profile is an important step when you are determining your target audience. Through your ideal customer, you can get an idea of their age range, location, gender, and interests. Once your advertisements are up and running, you will be able to use Facebook’s analytics in order to improve your ideal customer profile. This will only help you increase engagement and customers. Once you have your ideal customer in place, you will want to create a detailed marketing plan. This plan will include everything from your mission to your customer service support. This book is created as a guide that you can read and reread. It will be helpful as you start to grow your customer base through Facebook. You can turn to the pages of this book when you are looking for your next advertising strategy, such as PPC or Facebook Messenger Ads. If you are unsure of your next step, you can look through this book as it will help you reach your next step. Your dedication, patience, will to succeed and this valuable information are going to take you farther than you thought possible in the Facebook advertising market. No matter how prepared you are to integrate the words of this book into your Facebook advertising, you want to remember that it all takes time. No success happens overnight. Whether your business is one year old or twenty, it will take time for Facebook users to start noticing your business and advertising. Don’t let this discourage you. Instead, remember success comes to those who are patient and dedicated.This guide will focus on the following:•The Importance of a Facebook Page•Choosing Your Audience•Choose & refine your page theme•Using advertising functions on Facebook•Making Ads - Targeting•Avoid being banned from advertising on Facebook•Content Marketing in Facebook•Facebook Sales Funnel•How to Set up Facebook Business Manager•Choose The Best Advertising Option For Your Business on Facebook•How To Use Facebook Like A Pro For Your Business•Psychology Behind Ads•AdWords vs. Facebook… AND MORE!
  • Stoicism: A Philosophical Guide to Life. Including DIY-Exercises on Practical Stoicism for the Realization of Life's Actions.

    Robert Green

    Paperback (Independently published, Feb. 8, 2019)
    Do you want to rise upon the shoulders of the stoic titans and discover the stoic chain to action for a better life? Then keep reading. Are you seeking for a way to overcome the challenges life throws at you?Do you want to live up to your best self? Do you want to overcome your inner critic to find joy and strengths? Questions like these have always been at the center of mankind’s attention, yet our traditional schooling systems don’t address them well enough. But this is exactly what the ancient schools of thought were about. They thought their students how to live a good life. And they conveyed their wisdom in highly practical ways. Unfortunately, our modern society has lost this wisdom although the necessity has never been as urgent as today. In this practical guide, you will discover how to overcome life’s challenges and ultimately become the best version of yourself. Furthermore, you will learn: How to enjoy each day to the fullest even if troubles are piling upA startling method from Batman for living a good life The one simple advice from stoicism that will change everything in your lifeHow to nip depressing thoughts in the bud with this simple trick A powerful tool to transform your subconsciousness into a goal striving machineProfound insights on the art of learning they don’t teach you at schoolHow to cope with the adversity of life even if you’ve almost given upGetting things done like a Roman emperorAnd much, much more. While philosophical books about Stoicism can be somewhat boring this book is fun to read and full of down to earth suggestions on how to exactly navigate through life’s challenges. So, if you really want to live up to your best self then click “add to cart”.
  • Stoicism: A Philosophical Guide To Life. Including DIY-Exercises On Practical Stoicism For The Realization Of Life's Actions.

    Robert Green

    Do you want to rise upon the shoulders of the stoic titans and discover the stoic chain to action for a better life? Then keep reading. Are you seeking for a way to overcome the challenges life throws at you?Do you want to live up to your best self? Do you want to overcome your inner critic to find joy and strengths? Questions like these have always been at the center of mankind’s attention, yet our traditional schooling systems don’t address them well enough. But this is exactly what the ancient schools of thought were about. They thought their students how to live a good life. And they conveyed their wisdom in highly practical ways. Unfortunately, our modern society has lost this wisdom although the necessity has never been as urgent as today. In this practical guide, you will discover how to overcome life’s challenges and ultimately become the best version of yourself. Furthermore, you will learn: How to enjoy each day to the fullest even if troubles are piling upA startling method from Batman for living a good life The one simple advice from stoicism that will change everything in your lifeHow to nip depressing thoughts in the bud with this simple trick A powerful tool to transform your subconsciousness into a goal striving machineProfound insights on the art of learning they don’t teach you at schoolHow to cope with the adversity of life even if you’ve almost given upGetting things done like a Roman emperorAnd much, much more. While philosophical books about Stoicism can be somewhat boring this book is fun to read and full of down to earth suggestions on how to exactly navigate through life’s challenges. So, if you really want to live up to your best self then click “add to cart”.
  • Cars

    Robert Green

    language (Cherry Lake Publishing, Dec. 10, 2013)
    You may have traveled thousands of miles in your family's car. Did you know that some parts of that car might have traveled halfway around the world before the car ended up in your family's garage? Look inside to find out more about how cars are manufactured by companies in many different countries.
  • MP3 Players

    Robert Green

    language (Cherry Lake Publishing, Jan. 12, 2014)
    Walk down the street of just about any city in the world and you will see someone listening to music on an MP3 player. This book will introduce readers to the history behind the development of MP3 Players and take them on a journey to companies around the world where they are manufactured.
  • Growing Taller Secrets: Journey Into The World Of Human Growth And Development, or How To Grow Taller Naturally And Safely

    Robert Grand

    eBook (Atlantic Business Communications, Inc., Jan. 26, 2015)
    Growing Taller Secrets, second addition is a completely rewritten study on how human body grows and develops, and how to force the body to grow taller naturally, without the use of any drugs or chemicals. Based on over 19 years of study and research.The book is packed with information that most doctors don t even know, especially those doctors who don t tell us that height can be affected by many factors.This book has not only everything you need to know about human growth and how to maximize it. All facts and recommendations in the book are followed by easy to understand explanations of how it works.A must read for anyone who wants to grow taller, and for parents. Parents will learn not only what will affect their child s physical growth and health, but also what will enhance their child s development in every way.Learn in full detail all aspects of human growth and development starting from conception up until when bones can no longer grow, and most importantly how to increase height safely and naturally. Regardless of your age and how much you know, you will learn many new and important secrets this book is full of.