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Books with author Richard Bell

  • Car

    Richard Powell

    Board book (Barron's Educational Series, )
  • The Ants Go Marching

    Richard Bernal

    Board book
    A Battery operated Play-a Song Board Book
  • What's in the Box?

    Powell Richard

    Hardcover (Treehouse Children's Books Ltd, Feb. 1, 2004)
  • GTI Kitten

    Richard Powell

    Hardcover (Treehouse Children's Books Ltd, Aug. 1, 2003)
  • Quack Like a Duck

    Richard Powell

    Hardcover (Treehouse Children's Books, Feb. 1, 2003)
  • Wetlands

    Richard Beatty

    Paperback (Heinemann/Raintree, Feb. 15, 2003)
    A comprehensive look at the wetlands biome, examining its climate, plants, animals, people, and future, plus detailed views of some famous or important wetlands locations.
  • Happy? or Sad?

    Richard Powell

    Board book (B.E.S. Publishing, April 15, 2004)
    Preschool kids won't know what a "lenticular" panel is (parents probably won't know, either)--but everybody will have fun seeing how it works! Move this book slightly, changing your angle of vision in relation to the cover, and the panel presents first one picture, then another! Keep varying that angle of vision and the picture keeps changing! This big board book has an inset lenticular panel that shows a clever little girl. Every illustrated board page has a rectangular cut-out to accommodate the panel and to serve as a words-and-pictures frame around it. In Happy or Sad?, the little girl's face changes from happy to sad. Kids who open this Making Faces book to any two-page spread will find a question, and its answer will make the little girl either happy or sad. Kids can move the book so that the little girl in the panel smiles or frowns. (Ages 3-5)
  • Bobalong Boat

    Richard Powell

    Bath Book (Silver Dolphin, March 1, 2002)
  • Little Chick Learns About Letters

    Powell Richard

    Hardcover (Treehouse Children's Books, April 24, 2002)
  • Baby's Gift Pack

    Richard Powell

    Hardcover (Gardners Books, March 31, 2003)
  • Boron

    Richard Beatty

    Library Binding (Cavendish Square Publishing, March 15, 1725)
  • Rivers and Lakes

    Richard Beatty

    Hardcover (Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, Feb. 16, 2003)
    Rare Book