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Books with author Rene Cloke

  • Cinderella

    Rene Cloke

    Hardcover (Award Publications Ltd, March 15, 1992)
  • Larry's Caravan

    Rene Cloke

    Hardcover (Award Publications, Jan. 1, 1988)
  • My Big Book of Brer Rabbit Stories

    Rene Cloke

    Hardcover (Gramercy, Nov. 7, 2006)
    This delightful collection of Brer Rabbit stories will be treasured by children for years to come. Lavish full-color illustrations bring these beloved tales to life. Here are 18 tales about the mischevious Brer Rabbit and his friends, including:•Brer Rabbit Meets his Match•Brer Rabbit and Brer Lion•Brer Fox Tricked Again•The Tar Baby•The Great Race•Brer Fox Goes Hunting•How Brer Rabbit Lost His Tail•The Moon in the Pond•Brer Rabbit and Brer Bear
  • Barnaby's Cuckoo Clock

    Rene Cloke

    Hardcover (Award Publications, Jan. 1, 1988)
  • Tufty's Pot of Paint

    Rene Cloke

    Hardcover (Award Publications Ltd, Dec. 9, 1988)
  • Mandy's Umbrella

    Rene Cloke

    Hardcover (Crescent, Nov. 7, 1989)
  • Brer Rabbit Stories

    Rene Cloke

    Hardcover (Holiday House, )
  • Flipperty's Aeroplane

    Rene Cloke

    Hardcover (Award Publications Ltd, )
  • Woodland Stories: Jolly Adventures - Four Charming, Orginal Tales. Age 4+

    Rene Cloke, Renee Cloke

    Hardcover (Award Publications Ltd, Aug. 25, 2013)
    Join Rusty, Spindle, Vicky and Barnaby in their jolly woodland adventures. This collection contains four charming original tales, written and illustrated by Rene Cloke. Age 4+
  • The Three Little Pigs

    Rene Cloke

    Hardcover (Award Publications, March 15, 1994)
  • Little Red Riding Hood

    Rene Cloke

    Hardcover (Award Publications Ltd, March 15, 1992)
  • Brer Rabbit Again!

    rene cloke

    Hardcover (award publications, March 15, 1987)
    Oversize oblong hardcover - Beautifully illustrated by Rene Cloke