Another Autism Awareness Month:
Ms. Laura Licata Sullivan
(Independently published, May 15, 2017)
This is a brief overview of what we experienced with our son's diagnosis of autism during the Autism Awareness Month of April, 2017. Disheartened by all the "Light It Up Blue" propaganda, it is intended to dispel the myth the mainstream media has presented about autism spectrum disorder and uncover the truth about those living with lower-functioning autism and the effects on entire families. The Autism Truth that remains is that a huge percentage of persons affected will not have adequate language and life skills to one day independently care for themselves. The numbers are staggering. It is truly difficult to explain to others what we live through on a daily basis especially with all this blue distraction so prevalent now. We are living in a sea of what I call "The Spectrum Deception" because amongst all this blue-washing, there are still many people who are unaware of the unedited struggles families living with autism face. So, consider this work your "Autism Month In Review." This book is not a list of statistics. It is not about the root causes of autism (I do believe there are many of them) or potential diets, therapies, or cures. There are plenty of wonderful books and different theories out there. Please read if you want to step into our autism life as recorded for one month. This is the REAL DEAL, THE AUTISM NO ONE SPEAKS ABOUT. Be prepared. It is shocking, emotional and raw. Inspiring and, at times, joyful. In our home, and in the homes of many of our terrific friends, there is autism awareness every day of every year. However insightful, what you will read here is just a brief snapshot into our world, and the world of some terrific families we know and admire.