I am Male I am Female
Karen L. Hill
(Bowker, June 10, 2019)
(In Black& White) New laws are being used to spread LGBT gender identity ideology and promote same sex relations in our public schools. The California State Board of Education has already adopted new textbooks for history and social sciences that will carry out the mandates of California Senate Bill 48, the FAIR Education Act, which provides for the inclusion of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) perspective in K-12 textbooks. Similar educational plans have also been adopted for the state of New Jersey, Colorado and Illinois with other states soon to follow. Because parents are the first classroom children will ever encounter, we are encouraging parents to be the first line of offense for their children by educating them well before they leave the coop.This book serves as an introduction to a must needed conversation from parents, grandparents, teachers, pastors, youth workers and others with the children they influence. This resource can lovingly be used to establish a basis foundation for children before they are desensitized by our school education programs, electronic games, cartoons, TV shows, movies, peers and others sharing an old/new age world view regarding families and faith. This resource can effectively be used to share the real truth regarding gender identification in a changing culture.