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Books with author J C. Ryle

  • Thoughts For Young Men

    J. C. Ryle

    eBook (Prisbrary Publishing, July 17, 2012)
    ▶ DESCRIPTIONI am growing old myself, but there are few things that I can remember so well as were the days of my youth. I have a most distinct recollection of the joys and the sorrows, the hopes and the fears, the temptations and the difficulties, the mistaken judgments and the misplaced affections, the errors and the aspirations, which surround and accompany a young man's life. If I can only say something to keep some young man walking in the right way, and preserve him from faults and sins, which may hurt his prospects both for time and eternity, I shall be very thankful. There are four things which I propose to do:I. I will mention some general REASONS why young men need exhorting.II. I will note some special DANGERS which young men need to be warned about.III. I will give some general COUNSEL which I beg young men to receive.IV. I will set down some special RULES OF CONDUCT which I strongly advise young men to follow.On each of these four points I have something to say, and I pray to God that what I say may do good to some soul.▶ CONTENTS1. Introduction2. Reasons for Exhorting Young Men3. Dangers of Young Men4. General Counsels to Young Men5. Special Rules for Young Men6. Conclusion7. Other Books▶ AUTHORRyle was a strong supporter of the evangelical school and a critic of Ritualism. He was a writer, pastor and an evangelical preacher. Among his longer works are Christian Leaders of the Eighteenth Century (1869), Expository Thoughts on the Gospels (7 vols, 1856–69), Principles for Churchmen (1884). Ryle was described as having a commanding presence and vigorous in advocating his principles albeit with a warm disposition. He was also credited with having success in evangelizing the blue collar community. His second son, Herbert Edward Ryle also a clergyman, became Dean of Westminster.
  • The Two Bears and Other Sermons for Children

    J.C. Ryle

    J.C. Ryle (1816-1900) was the first Anglican Bishop of Liverpool, a frank and manly expositor of the Bible and a plain preacher of the Gospel. Ryle deliberately eschewed an elegant style in favour of direct, simple, clear speaking. Nowhere is this seen more clearly in this collection of his sermons to children.The titles of his talks include:—The Two Bears—Children Walking in Truth—Little and Wise—No More Crying!—The Happy Little Girl—Seeking the Lord Early"If you would go to Heaven—you must have your sins forgiven, and your hearts made new and good. There is only One who can do this for you. That one is the Lord Jesus Christ. God has appointed Him to be the Friend of sinners. He can wash away your sins in His own precious blood. He can make your hearts new by putting the Holy Spirit in them. Jesus is the Way and the Door into Heaven. He has the key to Heaven in His hand. Children, if you want to go to Heaven, you must ask Jesus Christ to let you in.Ask Jesus in prayer to get ready a place for you in that world where there is no "crying." Ask Him to put your name in His book of life and to make you one of His people. Ask Him to cleanse you from all your sins, and to put the Holy Spirit in your heart. Ask Him to give you power to fight His battle against sin, the world, and the devil. Ask Him to give you grace to make you good while you are young, and good when you grow up, that so you may be safe while you live, and happy forever when you die.Children, Jesus Christ is ready to do all this, if you will only ask Him. He has done it for many people already. He is waiting to do it for you at this very time. Do not be afraid to ask Him. Tell Him you have heard that He was very kind to people when He was on earth, and ask Him to be kind to you. Remind Him how kind He was to the poor dying thief on the cross. Say to Him, "Lord Jesus, remember me; I want to go to Heaven. Lord, think upon me. Lord, give me the Holy Spirit. Lord, pardon my sins, and give me a new heart. Lord Jesus, save me!"
  • The Duties of Parents and Thoughts for Young Men

    J.C. Ryle

    (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, April 21, 2017)
    The Duties of Parents is a book written by J.C. Ryle which provides excellent advice for Christian parents hoping to bring their children closer to God. Many people consider this to be one of the best parenting books they've read. Thoughts for Young Men is a book written by J.C. Ryle that contains his advice on how to lead a proper Christian life. This is a great read for young Christians on how to avoid certain temptations and pitfalls. J.C. Ryle was the first Anglican bishop of Liverpool and a strong supporter of the evangelical school. Ryle was also a pastor but he is best known for writing many popular Christian books. Ryle's book Holiness is considered a classic among Christians of all denominations.
  • Seek the Lord Early

    J.C. Ryle

    language (Chapel Library, Aug. 23, 2018)
    It is a good thing to be loved! Children want to be loved by the important people in their lives. But one love is greater than the rest: the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for His people. Oh, how He loves them! He lived for their benefit. He suffered to secure their salvation. He rose again as their eternal King and Savior! Do you know His love? He calls everyone to seek Him and His love. Do you know Him? In this booklet, J. C. Ryle urges children to understand and believe the love of Christ, and to seek a living relationship with Him.
  • Heaven: Priceless Encouragements on the Way to our Eternal Home

    J C Ryle

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Jan. 1, 2015)
    John Charles Ryle (1816-1900) was a prolific writer, a faithful pastor, and a dynamic preacher. This collection of sermons and tracts come from a variety of sources some of which are not quickly accessible. Some of the chapters in this book have been published as tracts. These are rare, short "Helmingham Series" tracts were first published about the middle of the last century, while J. C. Ryle was a Rector at Helmingham, Suffolk. Some of these chapters are sermons on the topic of Heaven. J.C. Ryle offers very practical counsel that is helpful in our pilgrim journey. Most of these sermons were written after losing a loved one. J.C. Ryle was widowed three times (Matilda died in 1847; Jessie died in 1860; Henrietta died in 1889) May the Lord use these sermons and tracts for the comfort of God’s people. Personally I have found them helpful for those who are nearing the end of their earthly pilgrimage.
  • J. C. Ryle - The Duties of Parents

    J. C. Ryle

    (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Dec. 14, 2016)
    A primer on raising children and the duties all Christian parents have toward those God has entrusted to them.
  • Children's Stories

    J. C. Ryle

    Paperback (CF4Kids, Sept. 20, 2008)
    Looked up to and loved by children in his congregation, J.C. Ryle took their and spiritual lives very seriously. Here is a collection of stories for children by this great communicator including 'The two bears'. J.C. Ryle encourages us to teach the whole Scripture to children and not just parts of it.Children will enjoy reading these stories but this is also an interesting and intriguing book or any involved with children at home or church.
  • Thoughts for Young Men

    J. C. Ryle

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, May 10, 2011)
    This book is a timeless treasure. Ryle's writing is firm, but tenderhearted, as a loving grandfather. His style is plain and practical. His message is needed. He writes about dangers of young men, such as pride, love of pleasure, thoughtlessness, and fear of man's opinion. He also gives counsel and rules for young men to help avoid temptations like lust and to draw into a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. Though J.C. Ryle (1816-1900), wrote Thoughts for Young Men over a century ago, the message applies to every generation of young men. You may think that you have very little in common with a young man of the 19th century, but you will be surprised at how relevant Ryle's admonitions and encouragements are to you today. Read, reflect, and receive godly wisdom. This edition includes the complete text of J.C. Ryle's classic, Thoughts for Young Men. "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." (1 Timothy 4:12)
  • Thoughts For Young Men

    J. C. Ryle

    eBook (, April 9, 2011)
    Practical Christian advice for young men from one of the 19th centuries greatest pastors.
  • Thoughts for Young Men

    J.C. Ryle

    eBook (, Sept. 16, 2011)
    You may not realize it yet, but this book is a timeless treasure. Ryle's writing is firm, but tenderhearted, as a loving grandfather. His style is plain and practical. His message is needed.Though J.C. Ryle (1816-1900), wrote Thoughts for Young Men over a century ago, the message applies to every generation of young men. You may think that you have very little in common with a young man of the 19th century, but you will be surprised at how relevant Ryle's admonitions and encouragements are to you today.Read, reflect, and receive godly wisdom."Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." (1 Timothy 4:12)
  • Thoughts for Young Men

    J.C. Ryle

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, April 1, 2014)
    John Charles Ryle (1816-1900), the first Bishop of Liverpool. Ryle was a strong supporter of the evangelical school and a critic of Ritualism. He was a writer, pastor and an evangelical preacher. This is a classic book for young people who want to grow in their Christian faith. Topics as relevant today as the day Ryle put pen to paper. Ryle covers four great temptations that plague most young men: sloth, lust, love of pleasure, and peer pressure The thoughts and guidance in this book apply to every generation of young men.
  • The Duties of Parents

    J.C. Ryle

    language (E4 Group, Nov. 6, 2017)
    J.C. Ryle's book on parenting, The Duties of Parents, is second to none in its depth and points of practical application. This book focuses on raising godly children and being a godly parent and will motivate you to have a God-centered relationship with your child. Ryle's teaching style is easy to understand and his content is still relevant for parents today, making this a wonderful tool for any parent."This is a must read for every parent who seeks to raise their children in the instruction of the Lord. I highly recommend this! It is powerful." ~ Danielle Montgomery"I cannot praise this work enough. It contains timeless truths because it is based on God's wisdom. Ryle perfectly balances love and discipline in this approach to raising godly children. Those who truly seek biblical parenting should not be without this book!" ~ Kathleen"This is a book you'll want to read over and over again." ~ Amazon Reviewer