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Books with author Hamilton Aide

  • Prophecy's Quest: Andarean Realms Prophecies Book 2

    AS Hamilton

    Paperback (AS Hamilton, Feb. 10, 2018)
    Prophecy's Quest is the second book in the Andarean Realms series and picks up Brynn's story from Prophecy's Deception as he makes his way back to the Caradon rebel base with his newest companion, Sariah. Their journey is fraught with danger though as they find themselves being pursued by the ruthless Thane of Ancoulan, Nathan Kennelm. Brynn and Sariah are forced to retrace their steps back into Andarea where the danger of confronting Abbarane patrols is high. During their travels, Brynn discovers that not one, but three members of the highly-respected Elvan House of Debanikay are being held captive by the Abbarane regime. It had been thought that the entire bloodline had been extinguished and Brynn realises that the only way to guarantee they survive is to get the whole family free. He conceives a risky plan to rescue them with the aid of his may-en-ghi allies, a dragon-cat race who have magic of their own. But the path he plans to follow is narrow, and if the young mage is not careful, he may end up forfeiting his life. Along the way, Brynn is ever-mindful that he must find the key to The Prophecy. Little does he know, he has already found it, and let it go. Will he retrieve it again? And can he find it before his enemies do? Prophecy’s Quest is the second book in the Andarean Realms Prophecies series and will be followed by Prophecy’s Diversion. The first book in this series, Prophecy's Deception is also available on Amazon. More details on all my books can be found on my website:
  • The Exam

    Andy Hamilton

    Paperback (HarperCollins UK, April 1, 2005)
    The Exam is a funny but serious look at the pressures faced by pupils today, both at school and at home. The play is accompanied by teaching materials containing fantastic ideas for drama work, as well as other activities designed to answer English Framework and NC objectives.
  • Selling Swimsuits in the Arctic: Seven Simple Keys to Growing Churches by Adam Hamilton

    Adam Hamilton

    Paperback (Abingdon Press, March 15, 1723)
  • Jessica's Elevator


    Paperback (Beach Holme Pub Ltd, Dec. 1, 1989)
  • Swallowing Darkness


    Hardcover (Balantine s, Hardcover(2008), March 15, 2008)
    Swallowing Darkness (08) by Hamilton, Laurell K [Hardcover (2008)]
  • Big Name Hunting


    Library Binding (Simon & Schuster (Juv), June 15, 1973)
    A beginners guide to autograph collecting
  • Paul McCartney

    Alan Hamilton

    Hardcover (David & Charles, May 1, 1983)
  • Ribbons of the Sun

    H. Hamilton

    Library Binding (San Val, Oct. 16, 2006)
  • Visual Geography: South Africa


    Paperback (Lerner, Jan. 1, 2008)
  • Many Thousand Gone: African Americans from Slavery to Freedom

    V. Hamilton

    School & Library Binding (Turtleback Books: A Division of Sanval, Jan. 16, 2002)
  • Veronica and the Cave of the Wind

    J Hamilton

    Paperback (Trafford Publishing, July 6, 2006)
    Magic is almost dead on Earth. Veronica Wilde and Billy Swift Fox face terrible trials in the Cave of the Wind and who knows if they will ever leave?
  • Queen Elizabeth II

    Alan Hamilton

    Hardcover (David & Charles, June 1, 1982)
    Queen Elizabeth II.