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Books with author Glenda Russell

  • The Tale of Three Friends

    Glenda Russell

    Paperback (URLink Print & Media, LLC, July 19, 2019)
    A cute tale about a dog, cat, and a mouse and how they become friends and learn to help each other and work together. I hope this story will teach sharing, caring, and working together no matter who you are. No matter who you are or how you live we can all work together and care for one another, just like the Dog, Cat, and mouse do in this story. We should all enjoy life, be friends, work together, and care for one another.
  • Me 'n Mckee 'n Mama: Dysfunctional Family Love

    Glenn Russell

    eBook (, Nov. 11, 2010)
    Hilarious adventures of an eldest child taking care of siblings in a dysfunctional environment.
  • Me 'n Mckee 'n Mama

    Glenn W. Russell

    Paperback (BookSurge Publishing, Oct. 10, 2006)
    Love in dysfunctional family: Hilarious adventures of an eldest child taking care of siblings in a dysfunctional environment.
  • The Tale of Three Friends

    Glenda Russell

    eBook (URLink Print & Media, LLC, July 19, 2019)
    A cute tale about a dog, cat, and a mouse and how they become friends and learn to help each other and work together. I hope this story will teach sharing, caring, and working together no matter who you are. No matter who you are or how you live we can all work together and care for one another, just like the Dog, Cat, and mouse do in this story. We should all enjoy life, be friends, work together, and care for one another.