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Books with author Dee Ready

  • Veterinarians

    Dee Ready

    Paperback (Capstone Press, Sept. 1, 1998)
    An introduction to the job of a veterinarian that examines the tasks that they perform including working with animals, the clothing that they wear, the tools that they use, and the education required to be a successful veterinarian.
  • Dentists

    Dee Ready

    Library Binding (Capstone Press, Sept. 1, 1997)
    An introduction to the job of a dentist that examines the tasks that they perform, the clothing that they wear including special gloves, the tools that they use, and the education required to be a successful dentist.
  • Fire Fighters

    Dee Ready

    Library Binding (Capstone Press, Jan. 1, 1997)
    An introduction to the job of a fire fighter that examines the tasks that they perform including putting out fires and rescuing and helping people, the clothing that they wear such as heavy boots and helmets, the tools that they use, and the education required.
  • Fire Fighters

    Dee Ready

    Paperback (Capstone Press, Sept. 1, 1998)
    An introduction to the job of a fire fighter that examines the tasks that they perform including putting out fires and rescuing and helping people, the clothing that they wear such as heavy boots and helmets, the tools that they use, and the education required.
  • Trucks

    Dee Ready

    Library Binding (Capstone Press, Sept. 1, 1997)
    Describes details of various kinds of trucks, including garbage trucks, pickup trucks, tow trucks, and tanker trucks.
  • Mail Carriers

    Dee Ready

    Paperback (Capstone Press, Sept. 1, 1998)
    An introduction to the job of a mail carrier that examines the tasks that they perform including delivering letters and packages, the clothing that they wear, the tools that they use, and the training required to be a successful mail carrier.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    Dee Ready

    Library Binding (Capstone Press, Jan. 1, 2002)
    Details the last major battle of the American Revolution, the Battle of Yorktown, which brought victory to the American Patriots. Discusses how American and Britain came to war, the role for the French, and some of the other battles fought.
  • Motorcycles

    Dee Ready

    Library Binding (Capstone Press, Sept. 1, 1997)
    Introduces and describes details on several types of motorcycles, including road motorcycles, touring motorcycles and police motorcycles.
  • Librarians Help Our Community Helpers by Ready, Dee Paperback

    Dee Ready

    Paperback (Capstone Press, March 8, 1800)
  • The Boston Massacre

    Dee Ready

    Paperback (Capstone Press, Sept. 1, 2000)
    Discusses the situations and events that led to the Boston Massacre, the precursor to the American Revolutionary War, including information on the colonies' relationship with Britain and the effects of the French and Indian War.
  • Cars

    Dee Ready

    Library Binding (Capstone Press, Sept. 1, 1997)
    Introduces different types of cars, including sedans, station wagons, convertibles, race cars, electric cars, minivans and the Volkswagen Beetle.
  • Farmers

    Dee Ready

    Paperback (Capstone Press, Sept. 1, 1998)
    An introduction to the job of a farmer that examines the tasks that they perform including growing crops and raising livestock, the clothing that they wear, the tools that they use, and the education required to be a successful farmer.