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Books with author Cara Robertson

  • Purple Text Talk

    CY Robertson

    language (Chizzy Press, Feb. 12, 2016)
    Aria Morgan has a large family: two sisters and one brother. She's stuck right in the middle and sometimes she's too quiet to be noticed in her loud, busy family. Fortunately, she also has a best friend, Lily. She can be herself around Lily and not get lost in the shuffle. She and Lily love using abbreviations-- text talk-- to communicate. But when a series of events drastically changes her life, will Aria learn to value other things more than her cell phone and being popular? Can she find the value in making new friends?
  • Remember the Love

    F. Robertson

    language (F. Robertson Studios, LLC, Aug. 7, 2014)
    NOTE: Through the dialogue of lovable pets, this book helps families introduce the concept of Alzheimer's to children in an age-appropriate way.This six-minute story is the 6th book in the enchanting Fluffy & Fred® series. In this heartwarming tale, Fluffy & Fred™ learn about the memory issues faced by their neighbor’s aunt. They learn how to be understanding and supportive. Do you ever wonder what are our pets talking about that we don’t hear? Welcome to the neighborhood — where the mailboxes look like lollipops, and the pets talk about their days — right here on this chalkboard!Fluffy is a cat with a lot to learn! Fred’s a dog who knows about as much. It’s a good thing Grey lives next door! Grey has the wisdom of many years. Although James and other children do live on Lollipop Way®, we mostly hear what their pets have to say!At bedtime … or anytime!
  • Flying Insects Moth

    R.E. Robertson

    Hardcover (Ready Readers, Aug. 11, 2019)
    A moth is an insect. It’s a flying insect! What does it eat? How does it hide? Let’s find out! Flying Insects: Moth gives young readers in prekindergarten to grade 1 an introduction to these fascinating fliers through simple text, vivid photos, and fun facts.This series introduces early readers to flying insects. Each book includes a list of words to look for in the text, with callouts that match the word to the image on the page where it appears. Questions at the end of the book invite reader to connect further with the text.
  • Climb Toward Your Dreams

    F. Robertson

    eBook (F. Robertson Studios, LLC, Aug. 5, 2014)
    This six-minute story is the 1st book in the enchanting Fluffy & Fred® series. Will Fred ever get to the top of that tree? Fluffy doesn’t think so. But in a surprise ending, both pets learn that they shouldn’t give up on their dreams! Do you ever wonder what our pets are saying that we don't hear? Welcome to the neighborhood — where the mailboxes look like lollipops and the pets talk about their days — right here on this chalkboard! Fluffy is a cat with a lot to learn! Fred’s a dog who knows about as much. It’s a good thing Grey lives next door! Grey has the wisdom of many years. Although James and other children do live on Lollipop Way®, we mostly hear what their pets have to say! At bedtime ... or anytime!
  • Flying Insects Grasshopper, Grades PK - 1

    R.E. Robertson

    language (Ready Readers, Aug. 1, 2019)
    A grasshopper is an insect. It’s a flying insect! What does it eat? How does it fly? Let’s find out! Flying Insects: Grasshopper gives young readers in prekindergarten to grade 1 an introduction to these fascinating fliers through simple text, vivid photos, and fun facts.This series introduces early readers to flying insects. Each book includes a list of words to look for in the text, with callouts that match the word to the image on the page where it appears. Questions at the end of the book invite reader to connect further with the text.
  • The Forever

    Craig Robertson

    Paperback (Imagine-It Publishing, Aug. 3, 2018)
    Who is Jon Ryan? The Earth is doomed. Jupiter has been thrown out of its orbit and in less than a century it will collide with our planet. A desperate scheme is hatched. Jon, a fighter pilot, volunteers to be the first human to transfer to an untested android host. If Jon survives he can then endure the rigors of long space flights. He will search the nearby stars hoping to find humankind a new home. Can he succeed or will he become the sole survivor lost in space forever? A more important question is whether the galaxy is ready for Jon Ryan. Probably not. Poor aliens. You have to feel kind of sorry for them.This brilliant first installment of The Forever pairs the best selling The Forever Life and The Forever Enemy. The book is designed to accompany the audiobook version published by Podium Publishing and performed by the outstanding actor Scott Aiello.
  • Flying Insects Butterfly

    R.E. Robertson

    Hardcover (Ready Readers, Aug. 11, 2019)
    A butterfly is an insect. It’s a flying insect! What does it eat? And how does it use its feet? Let’s find out! Flying Insects: Butterfly gives young readers in prekindergarten to grade 1 an introduction to these fascinating fliers through simple text, vivid photos, and fun facts.This series introduces early readers to flying insects. Each book includes a list of words to look for in the text, with callouts that match the word to the image on the page where it appears. Questions at the end of the book invite reader to connect further with the text.
  • Wash Your Paws

    F. Robertson

    Paperback (F. Robertson Studios, LLC, April 11, 2020)
    In today's story, the pets remember to wash their paws before visiting Grey, their wise older neighbor who is a retired guide dog. During this era in time, when there is great concern about a pandemic illness, the pets learn about problems, solutions and love. While written to help children with the events of 2020, the lesson is timeless. Do you ever wonder what our pets are saying that we don’t hear? Welcome to the neighborhood — where the mailboxes look like lollipops and the pets talk about their days — right here on this chalkboard! Fluffy is a cat with a lot to learn! Fred’s a dog who knows about as much. It’s a good thing Grey lives next door! Grey has the wisdom of many years. Although James and other children do live on Lollipop Way®, we mostly hear what their pets have to say! At bedtime ... or anytime!
  • Attack of the Bouncy Poopy Weirdos

    Calvin Robertson

    language (, Sept. 29, 2018)
    One time in Mexico, a kid was living his life... until he was a target! The great white pumpkin is trying to hunt him down, the white pumpkin sends battle droids. The battle droids are stupid. But are the weirdos stupid? This account may contain some violence, or anything else. This is my first illustration, so i hope you enjoy!
  • I Want to Feel Like a Princess

    Cliff Robertson

    A woman wants to live like a princess in an enchanted forest. She wants to shower in a waterfall, drink tea with forest friends and dance with a fawn in a field. 30 pages of a bed-time story for little kids and older kids.
  • A Good Home Finds Shadow

    F. Robertson

    language (, March 9, 2018)
    In today's adventure, Shadow, the homeless dog who has been living in the woods, is being adopted and goes to his new home! The sparkling orange butterfly — always around, even in winter — flutters along on this exciting day! Do you ever wonder what our pets are saying that we don’t hear? Welcome to the neighborhood — where the mailboxes look like lollipops and the pets talk about their days — right here on this chalkboard! Fluffy is a cat with a lot to learn! Fred’s a dog who knows about as much. It’s a good thing Grey lives next door! Grey has the wisdom of many years. Although James and other children do live on Lollipop Way®, we mostly hear what their pets have to say! At bedtime ... or anytime!
  • Flying Insects Moth, Grades PK - 1

    R.E. Robertson

    language (Ready Readers, Aug. 1, 2019)
    A moth is an insect. It’s a flying insect! What does it eat? How does it hide? Let’s find out! Flying Insects: Moth gives young readers in prekindergarten to grade 1 an introduction to these fascinating fliers through simple text, vivid photos, and fun facts.This series introduces early readers to flying insects. Each book includes a list of words to look for in the text, with callouts that match the word to the image on the page where it appears. Questions at the end of the book invite reader to connect further with the text.